Properties of Parent-Child data groups

Parent-child data model groups:
There may be a requirement where you need to use the value in Parent data model group at child level.

All the parent column values can be used in the child groups. This means that the layout fields of child group repeating frames can use the parent group columns (either DB columns or datamodel columns like formula columns)

This is explained with an example: Consider a requirement where you have to display
The following AR transaction details at header level:
o    Trx_number
o    Trx_date
o    Invoice_currency_code

The following AR Transaction item details at line level:
o    Line_number
o    Unit_selling_price
o    Extended_price
o    Invoice_currency_code

The data model will look like below:

Now you can see that the invoice_currency_code which is used in the header level group can be referred in the child group repeating frame. Here the "Inv curr" in header level and 'Invoice curr" at line level refer to the same source: G_customer_trx_id.invoice_currency_code

But the vice versa is not  possible. ie., value is child query group can not be used in the parent group's repeating frame of the layout model.