Postscript printing requires several setup steps.  If any steps are omitted,
the report may produce an incorrectly formatted output file, or worst yet, it
will not produced an output file at all.  The cause of the problem is typically
related to an issue in one of four areas: printer, operating system, Oracle
Reports, or Oracle Applications.  


          - The printer does not support postscript printing.
          - The printer has not been configured at the OS level; therefore, the
          printer is not accessible from the command line.
          - On Unix, the printer or print queue is not defined as postscript.
          - APPLORB environment variable has not been defined.
          - On Unix, the executable $FND_TOP/bin/ar25runb is not present.
          - On NT, the postscript output file is incorrectly formatted because
          the Windows NT print server drivers are not accessible to the
          concurrent manager server.
          - A postscript SRW driver has not been selected.
          - The SRW driver is not present in the appropriate $FND_TOP
          - On Unix, the uiprint.txt has not been updated or an incorrect PPD has
          been specified.
          - The registered Oracle Applications printer name is not the same name
          used at the OS level.
          - An existing type was used and the styles & drivers associated with
          other printers were accidentally modified causing postscript printing
          to work and disabling regular text printing.
          - Incorrect print style layout information specified
          - A different SRW driver is specified in the print style and print
          - The print driver method is not set to command or no program or routine
          is specified.
          - The print driver arguments are incorrect for the specified platform.
          - A PCL initialization and reset string is specified in the print
          - The concurrent manager was not bounced or restarted after making
          driver or environment variable changes.
          - The postscript report is not properly registered with Oracle
          - The postscript report definition file cannot be located. The PDF has
          not been placed under the appropriate custom/product_top or an
          incorrect Application has been specified in the concurrent program
          executable record.
          - The executable options filed has not been set to VERSION=2.0b
          - On release 11, the postscript output format files has not been set to
          - A postscript style and postscript printer was not specified in the
          defined concurrent program record.
          - The newly defined concurrent program was not included in a report
          - The application schemas associated with the custom report were not
          listed in the data group.
          - A faulty Oracle report is being used. It fails to run under the Report
          Designer environment.
          - Oracle report fails to execute at the OS command line.
          - The report was developed with a higher version of Developer 2000 than
          the version found in Oracle Applications.
          - Referenced PL/SQL shared libraries were updated and recompiled, but
          the reports were not regenerated.


   1. Printer Check

      a. Submit a text or postscript output file from the command line to the

          lp  -d  <printer_name>   <file_name>                                     or
          lp  -d  <printer_name> -T postscript  <file_name>          for Unix

          print  /d:\\<server_name>\<printer_name>  <file_name>            for Windows NT

   2. Report Check

   As APPLMGR, run a report from the command line with the following syntax.
   If the executable fails to generate an output file, review the reports.log
   file that is produced.  Full file paths may be required if environment
   variables are not properly set.  In addition, ensure read and write
   privileges exist for the specified directories.

      a.  On Unix, submit a postscript report to a printer:

          ar25runb userid=apps/apps report=<ShortName> \
          batch=yes mode=bitmap destype=printer \
          desname=<PrinterName> desformat=pls132.prt

      b.  On Unix, submit a postscript report to a file:

          ar25runb userid=apps/apps report=<ShortName> \
          batch=yes mode=bitmap destype=file \
          desname=test.out desformat=pls132.prt

      c.  On Windows NT, submit a postscript report to a printer:

          r25run32 userid=apps/apps report=<ShortName.rdf>
          batch=yes mode=bitmap destype=printer

      d.  On Windows NT, submit a postscript report to a file:

          r25run32 userid=apps/apps report=<ShortName.rdf>
          batch=yes mode=bitmap destype=file desname=test.out

Note: All parameters may be placed in a file and the
      parameter cmdfile=<FileName> can be passed to
      the executable ar25runb or r25run32.