Installing Oracle BI / XML Publisher Desktop - Detailed

Getting Oracle BI Publisher Desktop: The current version of Oracle BI Publisher Desktop is available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at:
From this site, download Oracle XML Publisher Desktop 5.6.2 for Microsoft Windows. To use Oracle BI Publisher Desktop, you must meet the following requirements:

          Microsoft Windows 2000 or later
          Microsoft Word 2000 or later
          Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4 or later
Getting Oracle BI Publisher Desktop for E-Business Suite: The current version of Oracle BI Publisher Desktop is available on MetaLink in patch 5027437.
Always check MetaLink to see that you obtain the most current version. Versions are likely to change.
Installing Oracle BI Publisher Desktop: To install Oracle BI Publisher Desktop, perform the following basic steps:
          Download the patch.
          Unzip the patch.
          Run setup.exe included with the patch.
          Follow the onscreen instructions.
Downloading and Unzipping the Patch: 
          Download Oracle BI Publisher Desktop from OTN or MetaLink.
          The patch will download as: (OTN) (MetaLink)
          Unzip that patch into the directory of your choice.
          It will create a directory named as:
         XMLP_Desktop (OTN)
         XMLP_Desktop_R562 (MetaLink)
Running the Installer 
          CD (Change Directory) into the directory that was created when you unzipped your patch.
          Run the installer … setup.exe.
          Follow the onscreen directions.

Following the sequence of setup wizard steps:
Choosing Setup Language
Welcome Screen
Designating a JRE Location
Word Tutorial Option
Designating a Destination Location
Ready to Install
Wizard starts Installing
Installation Finish screen shows up