Wrapping / encrypting PL/SQL code:
There are two way to wrap your pl/sql code.
· Wrap
Wrapping can be done with the wrap utility and DBMS_DDL subprograms.
To run the wrap utility, enter the wrap command at your operating system prompt using the following syntax:
wrap iname=input_file [oname=output_file]
Do not use any spaces around the equal signs.
The wrap utility is run from the command line and processes an input SQL file, such as a SQL*Plus installation script. The DBMS_DDL subprograms wrap a single PL/SQL unit, such as a single CREATE PROCEDURE command, that has been generated dynamically.
Wrapping oracle PL/SQL Code with the DBMS_DDL CREATE_WRAPPED procedure:
- Create an anonymous block with your code (which needs to be encrypted) in generate_spec and generate_body, enclosed in quotes.
/* The package_text variable contains the text to create the package spec and body */
package_text VARCHAR2(32767);
FUNCTION generate_spec (pkgname VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
RETURN 'CREATE PACKAGE ' || pkgname || ' AS
PROCEDURE add (x NUMBER, y NUMBER); END ' || pkgname || ';';
END generate_spec;
FUNCTION generate_body (pkgname VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
BEGIN dbms_output.put_line (x+y); END add; END ' || pkgname || ';';
END generate_body;
-- generate package spec
package_text := generate_spec('Calculation');
-- create and wrap the package spec
-- generate package body
package_text := generate_body('Calculation');
-- create and wrap the package body
- The package object – calculation will get created in the data base in encrypted format.
Sql> Calculation.add(10, 20);
- Check the all sources table. You can see an encrypted version of your code.
Wrapping oracle PL/SQL Code with the wrap Utility:
The wrap utility processes an input SQL file and obfuscates only the PL/SQL units in the file, such as a package specification, package body, function, procedure, type specification, or type body. It does not obfuscate PL/SQL content in anonymous blocks or triggers or non-PL/SQL code.To run the wrap utility, enter the wrap command at your operating system prompt using the following syntax:
wrap iname=input_file [oname=output_file]
Do not use any spaces around the equal signs.
1. Write a procedure abc(), in a file abc.sql (do not compile it in database) and save it in C:\
create procedure abc is
dbms_output.put_line('Hello World');
end abc;
2. First generate the wrapped code for this sql file using the following command.
wrap iname=C:\abc.sql
You will get the following message:
PL/SQL Wrapper: Release Production on Sat Jun 04 2011
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1993, 2001. All Rights Reserved.
Processing C:\abc.sql to abc.plb
3. The wrapped file code abc.plb is created in the same directory (C:\abc.sql). It will look like this
4. Now compile the encrypted code (abc.plb) in the database.
SQL> @C:\abc.plb
Procedure created.
5. So, our source code is not visible through the USER_SOURCE, ALL_SOURCE, or DBA_SOURCE data dictionary views.
6. Now execute the procedure
SQL> ed;
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 begin
2 abc();
3* end;
SQL> /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> /
Hello World
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.