Scenario: Administrator wants to provide the
access to the menu functions attached to a specific responsibility but doesn’t
want the users to do any updates. This is a typical business requirement when
some stakeholders want to know the data and information for FYI purpose but are
not authorized to edit the existing data nor insert new data.
1. Identify the menu attached to the
responsibility of the role to which you want to provide the View only access.
The Navigation is: Security à Responsibility à Define
the Menu identify the form functions attached to the Menu
Application à Menu
a new form function same as the standard form but set the Parameter
Query_Only = Yes
a. Navigation is : Application à Function à Form à Parameter
b. The function becomes read only
4. Create a new menu with these read
only functions
5. Assign the new menu to the new
6. Assign the new responsibility to
users who can have only read access
Solution 2
Create a Database user rd_user
Grant all the objects/ synonyms from apps to rd_user
Create synonym for all the apps objects in rd_user
In Oracle apps, register the user rd_user as a user and datagroup which
is similar to apps
Create responsibility similar to apps but attach rd_user datagroup
What if the user has 50
responsibilities? It consumes a lot of time in creating the functions, menus
and finally adding relevant profiles to the responsibility. There is another
simpler way to make all the responsibilities of a user as read-only. Check out
the following blog post: