Order Management Ship Confirm Message Configuration feature provides a method to control how certain business rules are handled. It can be configured in such a way that they can be handled as errors or they can be handled as warnings at ship confirm stage.
OM ->Setup-> Shipping Setup>Grants and Role Definition>Define Roles
We will learn this based on an example:
What are Roles for a user & how are Grants assigned to these users?
Roles: Shipping Execution provides data access controls called roles that control users' access to the Actions list and Tools menu in the Shipping Transactions form.
Grants: Roles are assigned to users using grants that control access to view or edit specific shipping data or actions.
Now create 2 Roles (MCU_Error_Role & MCU_Warning_Role) and 2 Users (ERROR_USER & WARNING_USER). Assign these roles to the corresponding users respectively.
Create Role: MCU_Error_Role
The role is configured to error for Breaking Ship Sets for order lines at ship confirm.
Create Role: MCU_Warning_Role
The role is configured to just show a warning message and progress further for Breaking Ship Sets of order lines at ship confirm.
Create the following users:
Assign these two roles to the newly created users
When the users login individually and process an order they get the following message at the time of ship confirm:
This user is set up for Breaking Ship Sets to be an error, the below message displays with no option to continue.
A warning message is produced. If the user selects OK, the Delivery will be confirmed and the Ship Set Broken.
Conclusion: So, Based on the user who logged the application, a ship confirm message can be made either to error out or a just show a warning message to control the business flow.