AutoInvoice Overview
AutoInvoice is a powerful, flexible tool you
can use to import and validate transaction data from other financial systems
and create invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and on-account credits in
Oracle Public Sector Receivables. You use a custom feeder program to transfers
transaction data from an external system into the AutoInvoice interface tables.
AutoInvoice then selects data from the interface tables and creates transaction
in Receivables. Receivables rejects transactions with invalid information to
ensure the integrity of your data.
With AutoInvoice, you can:
Ø Import large numbers of transactions for
seamless integration from Oracle or non-Oracle systems
o Invoices
o Debit memos
o Credit memos
o On-account credits
Ø Calculate taxes for the imported transactions,
or pass the tax through the tables
Ø Correct errors easily online
Create invoices from the following
Oracle applications:
Oracle Order Management
Oracle Projects
Oracle Service
Oracle Property Manager
Create invoices from the
following non-Oracle applications:
Legacy system (for transaction history)
Non-Oracle billing applications
Non-Oracle order entry applications
Grouping Rules
Ø Grouping rules are mandatory and determine how transaction lines are
grouped into transactions
Ø Grouping rules specify attributes that must be identical for lines to
appear on the same transaction.
Ø AutoInvoice requires mandatory grouping on the transaction attributes
Currency Code and Bill-To Customer (only one of each attribute is allowed per
Ø Receivables automatically applies these required grouping rules to any
additional transaction attributes assigned to the grouping rules.
Ø All attributes of the Transaction Flexfield are optional within a
grouping rule and can be assigned as optional grouping characteristics in the
Grouping Rules window.
Grouping Rule Hierarchy
AutoInvoice uses the following hierarchy to determine which grouping
rule to use for a transaction line:
Ø The grouping rule specified in the Transaction Sources window for the
batch source of the transaction line
Ø The grouping rule specified in the Customer Profile Classes window for
the bill-to site use of the transaction line
Ø The grouping rule specified in the Customer Profile Classes window for
the bill-to customer of the transaction line
Ø If no rule is specified in either the Transaction Sources or Customer
Profile Classes window, AutoInvoice uses the default grouping rule specified in
the System Options window
AutoInvoice Line Ordering Rules
Ø AutoInvoice uses these rules to order transaction lines when grouping
the transactions it creates into invoices, debit memos, and credit memos.
Ø Line ordering rules can be assigned to each grouping rule.
Ø AutoInvoice uses transaction attributes in the line ordering rules to
order invoice lines based on the priority defined.
Ø An ascending or descending order for each transaction attribute assigned
to a rule can also be specified.
Oracle Receivables uses
three interface tables for AutoInvoice:
Ø This table contains information relating to all transactions to be
processed by AutoInvoice. Transactions include invoices, debit memos, credit
memos, and on-account credits.
Ø Each record contains line, tax, freight, or finance charges information.
Ø The Line_Type field identifies the type of information contained in the
Ø A record can be a parent record: Line, Header Freight, or Charges; or a
child record: Tax or line-level Freight.
Ø A child record is linked to the parent record using the Link-To
Transaction flexfield.
Ø This table contains accounting distributions to be used by the
transactions defined in RA_INTERFACE_LINES.
Ø Accounts defined in this table override any accounts created using
Ø Choose to pass some or all account information to AutoInvoice. Any
accounts that are not passed will be derived using AutoAccounting.
Ø Records in this table are linked to records in the RA_INTERFACE_LINES
table using the Transaction flexfield.
Ø Not required if AutoAccounting determines GL distributions.
Ø This table contains all sales credit information for the transactions in
Ø The two tables are linked using the Transaction flexfield.
Ø Not required if not tracking sales credit.