How Final Close and Cancel Actions Affect the Quantity Column of PO_LINES_ALL

The Quantity column in PO_LINES_ALL is reduced/changed to 0, when a PO line /shipment is canceled.
But this is not the case when a line is finally closed.
Example for a canceled Purchase Order or Release:
1. PO for a quantity of 100 and a Price of $1 = Amount $100
2. When this PO is canceled (no receiving or billing) the quantity reduces to
    0 and the Price remains as $1 = Amount $0

Example for a finally closed Purchase Order or Release:
1. PO for a quantity of 100 and a Price of $1 = Amount $100
2. When this PO is finally closed (no receiving or billing) the quantity remains at
    100 and the Price remains as $1 = Amount $100

    When a PO line is finally closed the quantity is not reduced as it is on a
    canceled PO.