Oracle XML Publisher Template Builder - Insert Chart Dialog

Insert Chart Dialog

The insert chart dialog allows you to insert a data driven chart into a template. To open the insert chart dialog select the Insert menu and click on Chart….

The Data Source pane shows the structure of the XML data. You will notice that you can only select some of the nodes – the data group nodes. Data Group nodes (parent nodes) are nodes that  have child nodes. They typically do not represent data attributes, but groups of data – such as an invoice, a purchase order, a purchase order line or a shipment.

Select a Data Group node in the Data Source pane that you would like to associate with the graph. For example, you may have multiple invoices in the single XML document. If you select the root node containing all invoices, the graph will be calculated over all invoices. However, if you select the invoice node, the graph will be calculated using the data for a single invoice.

Chart Type

XML Publisher’s charting feature is based on Oracle Business Intelligence Beans and it will offer all chart types provided by that module. Currently you can choose one of the following options:
·         Bar Graph – Vertical
·         Bar Graph – Horizontal
·         Pie Chart
·         Line Chart

Dimension and Measure

Dimensions are categories by which summarized data can be viewed. Measures are the primary numeric data for a dimension in which you are interested. The Dimension defines what is often described on the X-Axis of a Graph, while the Measure is often plotted on the Y-Axis. For example, if you are interested in seeing the revenue by country, state or city then revenue is the measure and country, state and city are dimensions.

Select the data field node in the Dimension box as the dimension for the chart and in the Measure box the data field node for the measure.


Define the text for the legend that describes the measure.

Inserting the Chart

After you have defined the layout, you must tell the Template Builder to create a proxy for the chart in your document.

Insert Button

The Insert button creates the tables and forms at the current cursor position of the template.

Close Button

Click the Close button to close the Insert Chart dialog. The Close button will not automatically insert the Chart into the document.


You can group a data group by any of its attributes. For example, if you have invoices in multiple currencies, you can group the invoices by currencies and create a graph for currency.

Select a data field node, which is used to group the data in the Grouping box. Next select an aggregation function for the Measure. The data will be aggregated using the aggregation function.