Defining Oracle Costing Information

   To define costing parameters and accounts:
1. Navigate to the Organization Parameters window.
2. Select the Costing Information tabbed region.
The costing organization that controls the costs in your current organization and the costing method are displayed. These fields are enterable only when you use this window for the first time during system setup. The costing organization can be the current organization itself (thus, it controls its own costs), or it can be the Item Master organization.
See: Cost Structure, Standard Costing, and Average Costing.

3. When the Costing Method is Average, you can enter the Average Rates Cost Type. See: Defining Cost Types.
4. Indicate whether all transactions are posted in detail to the general ledger.
Caution: Transferring detail transaction distributions to the general ledger increases general ledger posting times due to the number of records created.

5. Indicate whether to reverse encumbrance entry upon receipt in inventory.
You normally select this option if you use encumbrances with Oracle Purchasing. See: Overview of Receipt Accounting.
6. For standard costing, select a material sub-element that this organization uses as a default when you define item costs. For average costing, the default material sub-element you select can be used for cost collection when Project Cost Collection Enabled is set.
Attention: Since a material sub-element is organization specific you must define the organization first, then the sub-element, then the organization parameters. When you first define your parameters you can leave this field blank, save your work, then return to this field later to specify a default material sub-element.

7. Define default Valuation Account details. See: Valuation Accounts and Defining Subinventories.
   To continue defining organization parameters:
Select the Revision, Lot, Serial tabbed region. See: Defining Revision, Lot, Serial Parameters.