Oracle Apps Order management - Overview of Shipping

You can manage shipping information such as trips, trip stops, deliveries, delivery lines, containers, and freight costs in the Shipping Transactions window. In addition, you can complete the following shipping tasks:
Trip and delivery planning:
  • Create a trip or delivery.
  • Assign delivery lines to a delivery or container.
  • Schedule pick-ups and drop-offs.
  • Estimate the number of containers required for a shipment.
Pick Release:
  • Release eligible delivery lines based on defined picking criteria.
  • Select the Release Sequence Rule to control the order in which picking lines are allocated to inventory.
  • Assign freight costs (after pick release).
  • Enter or validate shipped quantities, backordered quantities, staged quantities, and inventory control information for delivery lines (after pick release).
Ship Confirm:
  • Assign unplanned delivery lines to trips and deliveries.
  • Auto-create a trip and close stops.
  • Ship confirm or backorder a delivery.

Shipping Transactions Window

The Shipping Transactions window provides a consolidated workbench for three major shipping functions: planning, pick releasing, and ship confirming. It enables you to plan and manage trips, stops, deliveries, delivery lines, and LPNs (containers).
The window consists of a Query Manager and a Data Manager:
Query Manager: Enables you to perform customized searches called queries to find trips, stops, deliveries, delivery lines, and LPNs (containers). Using the Query Manager, you can manage personal queries, do searches using existing queries, and share queries with other authorized users.
Data Manager: Enables you to manage information about shipping entities, and complete the following tasks:
  • plan trips, stops, deliveries, and delivery lines/containers
  • confirm a shipment or delivery
  • track shipments
  • track shipping containers
  • handle over and under shipments
  • initiate Intrastat (European) transactions
  • pick release trip, stop, delivery, delivery lines, and container
  • run reports
Note: You can customize the fields displayed in the Shipping Transactions window by adding or hiding fields to suit your business requirements. To show additional fields or hide existing fields, select Folder > Show Field to display additional fields or Folder > Hide Field to hide selected fields. You can save the updated Shipping Transactions window layout and use it as the new default (or you can select the original default). To save the Shipping Transactions window layout, select Folder > New to display the Create New Folder window. Complete your entries and choose the OK button to save the view as a folder. To open a saved folder, choose the Open Folder icon located in the Shipping Transactions window.

Query Manager

In the Query Manager window, you can define and save queries to search for and manage the following shipping entities:
  • Trips
  • Stops
  • Deliveries
  • Delivery Lines and LPNs (containers)
  • LPNs
  • Delivery Lines
You can create customized queries (searches) by entering your search criteria and saving the query. Once the query is saved, you can re-use it for future searches. For example, if you create a query named Airline Container to find airline containers of a certain dimension, you can use this query again to repeat the search rather than re-enter the search criteria.
Queries can be saved and shared with other authorized users as Public Queries. This is useful, for example, if you want to centrally manage the queries.
Queries are grouped into the following categories and display in the left pane of the Shipping Transactions window:

Personal Query 

Queries you save for your personal use.  

Public Query 

Queries you save and share with other users.  

Temporary Query 

For infrequently used queries such as those you use for one session only. 

Note: If you want to save a query for future searches you must save it as a Personal or Public Query. Otherwise the query is saved only temporarily for the session. You can use a temporary query to search for all shipping entities.

Creating a Query

If you frequently query the same item, you can save the query and re-use it again for future queries. For example, if you frequently query open deliveries to be shipped from a particular warehouse, you can create and save a query to find open deliveries. Once the query is saved, you can re-use it again for future queries.


  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window.
  1. In the Search For region, choose an entity to query such as Trips.
  1. In the Saved Query region, enter a name and description for the query.
  1. Optionally, to share a query with other users, enable the Share box.
Note: A Public Query displays in the Personal Queries folder if you are the query owner, but displays in the Public Queries folder for other authorized users.You cannot edit a Public Query if you are not the owner. However, you can copy an existing query by selecting the Copy button, and rename.
  1. Complete your search criteria in the Main and Additional tabs.
A checkmark displays in the Shared Query box to indicate that the query is saved. Saved queries are displayed in the left pane of the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. Choose the Save button.
  1. Choose the Find button to start your search.

arrow   To open an existing query:

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. Select the existing query from either the Personal Queries, Public Queries, or Temporary Queries folder.
  1. The query results display in the Shipping Transactions window.

Finding Trips

You can find an existing trip using the Query Manager.


check box   A trip must be created when querying a trip.

arrow   To find a trip:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window.
  1. In the Search For region, choose Trips.
  1. In the Trips tab, select one or more of the following criteria for your query:
    • Trip Names
    • Trip Status and Planned status
    • Ship Method
    • Organization of the vehicle for the trip
    • Number Prefix
    • Numbers for the vehicle
  1. When you have completed your entries, choose the Find button to display the search results in the Shipping Transactions window.

Finding Stops

You can find an existing stop using the Query Manager.


check box   A stop must be created when querying a stop.

arrow   To find a stop:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window.
  1. In the Search For region, choose Stops.
  1. In the Stops tab, select one or more of the following criteria for your query:
    • Stop Location.
    • Stop Status, Departure Fill, Seal Codes, if applicable.
    • Trip range for the stop.
    • Range for the Arrival and Departure Dates for the stop.
  1. When you have completed your entries, choose the Find button to display the search results in the Shipping Transactions window.

Finding Deliveries

You can find an existing delivery using the Query Manager.


check box   A delivery must be created when querying a delivery.

arrow   To find a delivery:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window.
  1. In the Search For region, choose Deliveries.
  1. In the Deliveries tab, select one or more of the following criteria for your query:
    • Delivery Name
    • Bill of Lading
    • Delivery Status: The statuses Outbound, Outbound Request, Outbound Cancel, and Inbound Received are for use if you have Oracle Transportation installed.
    • Assigned, Unassigned, Planned or Unplanned deliveries
    • Organization
    • Ship From, Ship To, Intermediate Ship To, and Pooled Ship To
    • Consignee, Ship Method, FOB, Freight Terms
    • Pick-up Dates, Drop-off Dates
The following Delivery Status values search for deliveries with these statuses:
    • Querying for Outbound finds Shipment Requested and Shipment Cancel Requested deliveries.
    • Querying for Outbound Request finds Shipment Requested deliveries.
    • Querying for Outbound Cancel finds Shipment Cancel Requested deliveries.
    • Querying for Inbound Received finds Shipment Advice Received deliveries.
  1. When you have completed your entries, choose the Find button to display the search results in the Shipping Transactions window.

Finding Delivery Lines and LPNs

You can find delivery lines and LPNs (containers) by selecting the query criteria for the lines and LPNs you want. You can find the lines associated with a LPN or find LPNs assigned to delivery lines. You can also enter shared criteria to find delivery lines and LPNs assigned to a particular organization.


check box   Lines and LPNs must be created when querying delivery lines and containers.

arrow   To find delivery lines and LPNs:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window.
  1. In the Search For region, choose Lines and LPNs.
  1. In the Lines and LPNs tab, select one or more of the following criteria for your query:
    • Organization
    • Consignee
    • Ship Method, Ship from, and Ship to dates
    • Dates Scheduled
    • Assigned, Packed, and Released fields (for delivery lines)
    • Order numbers, Order Type, range for the Order Lines, and Item
    • Assigned and Packed status (for LPNs)
    • LPN Names and Item
  1. When you have completed your entries, click the Additional (1) tab.
In the Additional (1) tab, you can select additional criteria for your query:
    • Deliver to and Intermediate Ship to
    • FOB, Freight Terms, and Shipment Priority
    • Tracking Numbers and Dates Shipped
    • Order Lines
    • In the LPNs section, select the Fill status and choose either Use Shared Criteria, Include Immediate Contents, or Include Containers for Selected Orders Only.
  1. When you have completed your entries, click the Additional (2) tab.
In the Additional (2) tab, you can select additional criteria for your query: Production Lines, Production Seq, Job Numbers, Dock Code, and Model Serial Num.
  1. When you have completed your entries, choose the Find button to display the search results in the Shipping Transactions window.

Finding LPNs (containers)

You can find existing LPNs using the Query Manager.


check box   An LPN must be created.

arrow   To find LPNs:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window.
  1. In the Search For region, choose LPNs
  1. In the LPNs tab, select one or more of the following criteria for your query:
    • Organization
    • Consignee
    • Ship Method, Ship from and Ship to dates, and range of dates scheduled for delivery
    • In the LPNs section, select the Assigned and Packed status, the range of LPN Names, and Item.
  1. When you have completed your entries, click the Additional tab.
In the Additional tab, you can select from the following additional criteria:
    • Deliver to, and Intermediate Ship to
    • FOB, Freight Terms, and Shipment Priority
    • Tracking Numbers and Dates Shipped
    • Order Lines
    • In the LPNs section, select the Fill status and choose either Use Shared Criteria, Include Immediate Contents, or Include Containers for Selected Orders Only.
  1. When you have completed your entries, click the Additional (2) tab.
In the Additional (2) tab, you can select additional criteria for your query: Production Lines, Production Seq, Job Numbers, Dock Code, and Model Serial Num.
  1. When you have completed your entries, choose the Find button to display the search results in the Shipping Transactions window.

Finding Delivery Lines

You can find existing delivery lines by using the Query Manager.


check box   A delivery line must be created (for example, an order containing lines must be booked).

arrow   To find delivery lines

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window.
  1. In the Search For region, choose Lines.
  1. In the Lines tab, select one or more of the following criteria for your query:
    • Organization
    • Consignee
    • Ship Method, Ship from and Ship to dates
    • Dates Scheduled for delivery
    • Assigned, Packed, and Released status
    • Order Numbers, Order Type, and range of Order Lines
    • Item
  1. When you have completed your entries, click the Additional tab.
In the Additional tab, you can select additional criteria for your query:
    • Deliver to and Intermediate Ship to
    • FOB, Freight Terms, and Shipment Priority
    • Tracking Numbers and Dates Shipped
    • Order Lines
    • In the LPNs section, select the Fill status and choose either Use Shared Criteria, Include Immediate Contents, or Include Containers for Selected Orders Only.
  1. When you have completed your entries, click the Additional (2) tab.
In the Additional (2) tab, you can select additional criteria for your query: Production Lines, Production Seq, Job Numbers, Dock Code, and Model Serial Num.
  1. When you have completed your entries, choose the Find button to display the search results in the Shipping Transactions window..

Overview of Trips

A trip is an instance of a specific freight carrier departing from a particular location containing deliveries.
A trip is carrier specific and contains at least two stops such as a stop to pick up goods and another stop to drop off goods, and may include intermediate stops.
Trips can be created automatically or manually.

Creating a Trip

There are several ways to create a trip:
If your shipping process does not require advanced planning, you may prefer to automatically create trips:
  • Auto-creating a trip for a delivery: You can find the delivery you want to ship, and auto-create a trip and related trip stops.
  • Auto-creating a trip for containers and lines: You can find the lines and containers you want to ship and auto-create a trip which creates a trip, related deliveries, and trip stops.
During transportation planning, you can manually create a trip and later assign delivery lines or find the delivery lines and create a trip. For example, for a regular trip scheduled to depart every Friday, you can manually set up a trip ahead of time and then assign delivery lines.
When you manually create a trip, you can manually assign stops, deliveries, and delivery lines to that trip.

arrow   To auto-create a trip for a delivery:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery or group of deliveries. See: Finding Deliveries.
The delivery(s) displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. If more than one delivery displays, select the deliveries.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Auto-create Trip.
  1. Choose the Go button or press Return.
At least one trip and its related stops are created based on the deliveries Shipped From and Shipped To criteria.
You can view information about the trip by choosing the Detail button, the Path by Stop tab, or the Path by Trip tab.
  1. Save your work.

arrow   To autocreate a trip for delivery lines and containers:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery lines and containers.
The delivery lines and containers display in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. Select the delivery lines.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Auto-create Trip.
  1. Choose the Go button or press Return.
  1. At least one trip, stops, and delivery(s) are created for the lines and containers.
To view additional information about the trip, choose the Detail button, Path by Stop tab, or the Path by Trip tab.
  1. Save your work.

arrow   To manually create a trip:

  1. Navigate to the Trip window.
  1. Enter a name for the trip.
Note: If you do not define a name, a default name is assigned by Shipping Execution.
  1. Select the Ship Method. For example, for overnight shipments, select the overnight ship method.
If you update Ship Method and one or more delivery legs of the trip have bill of lading numbers generated, Oracle Shipping Execution checks the Document Code for the Document Type BOL from the Document Categories form and:
    • If Document Code is All, it updates ship method for the trip and all of its delivery legs.
    • If Document Code is One, it cancels all the bill of lading numbers associated with the trip and logs a trip exception. You then regenerate and reprint those bills of ladings.
  1. The fields Carrier, Service Level, Mode of Transport, and Consolidate are for future use.
  1. In the Vehicle region, select an Organization.
  1. Select the Item Name for the vehicle such as Rail car.
  1. Select the Number Prefix and Number for the selected vehicle.
  1. Optionally, select a trip in the Arrive after Trip field if you want the new trip to follow after another trip.
In the Arrive after Trip field, you can define the order in which trips arrive at their final destination. For example, if you created Trip B and want it to arrive after Trip A, enter Trip A in the Arrive after Trip field.
  1. Enter any Routing Instructions.
  1. If you want to plan the trip, enable the Planned box.
You can choose to plan the trip now or later. However, to change trip name or details after the trip is planned, you must unplan the trip first.
  1. Click the Done button to save your work.

Planning a Trip

Once deliveries and delivery lines have been assigned to a trip, you can set the status of the trip to planned which prevents trip stops from being added, removed or resequenced for the selected trip. This is useful for setting the trip stops and preventing them from being added, removed or resequenced.
However, even if the trip is planned, you can still update trip details, delivery, and delivery line information: for example, you can add delivery lines and make changes to a delivery assigned to a planned trip. However, to add or remove trip stops, you first must set the status of the trip to unplanned before making these changes.
When you plan a trip, Shipping Execution:
  • Validates that the sequence numbers between the deliveries of the trip are unique for containers within the deliveries.
  • Validates that the weight, volume, and fill percentage do not exceed their maximums of containers in the delivery.
  • Validates that the minimum fill percentage is met.
  • Validates the planned trip date is not in the past.
  • Validates pick-up and drop-off dates and times with the Transportation Calendar for the shipper, carrier, and receiver.


check box   At least two stops must be assigned to the trip.

check box   At least one delivery must be assigned to the trip.

check box   At least one delivery line must be assigned to each delivery in the trip.

check box   All delivery lines for the trip must be assigned to a delivery.

arrow   To plan a trip:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the trip.
The trip displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Plan.
  1. Choose the Go button or press Return to change the status of the trip to Planned.
A checkmark displays in the Planned box to indicate that the trip is in Planned status.
  1. Save your work.

Unplanning a Trip

When a trip is in planned status, you cannot add, remove, or resequence trip stops unless you first unplan the trip. When the trip is in unplanned status, you can remove or resequence existing trip stops or add new stops.
After the changes are done, the trip can be re-planned to prevent the trip stop settings from being changed. However, if you leave the trip unplanned, the existing trip stops can be removed or resequenced or new trip stops can be added.
When you unplan a trip, Shipping Execution:
  • Sets the status of all deliveries in the trip to Open.
  • Sets the status of the trip to Open.
Note: All delivery lines remain assigned to their respective deliveries when you unplan a trip.


check box   Trip status must be set to Planned.

check box   Trip status for all deliveries must be set to Planned.

arrow   To unplan a trip

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the trip.
The trip displays in the Shipping Transactions window. If more than one trip displays, select the trip you want to unplan.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Unplan.
  1. Choose the Go button to change the status of the trip.
  1. Save your work.

Assigning Freight Costs to a Trip

You can assign new freight costs to a specific trip, override the suggested freight costs, or update existing freight costs. For example, if you wanted to add additional costs to a particular vehicle that is used in the trip to deliver goods. A freight cost can also be assigned to a delivery, a stop, a delivery leg, a delivery detail, or a container.

arrow   To assign freight costs to a trip:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the trip.
The trip displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Freight Costs.
  1. Choose the Go button to display the Freight Costs window. In this window, you can enter freight costs for the trip.
  1. Enter the Cost Type, Currency Code, Amount, and Conversion Type.
  1. Choose the Done button and save your work.

Calculating Weight and Volume for a Trip

The weight and volume of a trip can be automatically or manually calculated. The default setting is set up in the Weight/Volume Calculation field in the Shipping Parameters window:
  • If you select Automatic, the weight and volume is always calculated automatically at ship confirm. Any weight/volume value is overwritten. The automatic calculation of weight and volume includes the fill percentage.
  • If you select Manual, you must manually calculate the weight and volume by selecting Calculate Weight/Volume from the Actions menu. The weight/volume values entered in the delivery will be used for ship confirm.
When the weight, volume, and fill percentage for a trip is calculated, Shipping Execution:
  • Calculates the weight, volume, and fill percentage of each open delivery and adds the values to the trip's current weight, volume, and fill percentage.
  • Validates that the maximum load weight, the maximum internal volume, and the maximum fill percentage are not exceeded.
  • Validates that minimum fill percentage requirements are attained.
  • Calculates (estimates) the number of containers for each delivery line based on container/load relationships and the master/detail container specified on the delivery line.
Note: A vehicle must be assigned to the trip before the actual fill percentage can be calculated.


check box   All delivery lines must be assigned to deliveries.

check box   Trip and/or delivery status must be set to Open.

arrow   To calculate weight and volume for a trip (automatically):

If you selected Automatic in the Weight/Volume Calculation field in the Shipping Parameters window, the weight and volume is calculated automatically at ship confirm. See: Defining Shipping Transaction Parameters.

arrow   To calculate weight and volume for a trip (manually):

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the trip.
The trip displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Calculate Weight/Volume.
  1. Choose the Go button.
The weight and volume for the trip is calculated and can be viewed in the Stops tab, Contents by Delivery tab, or the Contents by Line/Container.
  1. Save your work.

Overview of Deliveries

A delivery consists of a set of delivery lines that are scheduled to be shipped to a customer's ship-to location on a specific date and time. In a delivery, you can include items from different sales orders as well as backorders. You can group multiple deliveries together to create a trip.
More than one trip may be required to complete a delivery. For example, a delivery can consist of two trips, the first trip by truck and the second trip by rail.
You can perform the following tasks that include:
  • Finding existing deliveries.
  • Creating new deliveries.
  • Arranging the loading sequence of deliveries.
  • Assigning a delivery to a trip.
  • Changing a delivery.
  • Closing a delivery.
  • Planning a delivery (to prevent changes to a delivery).
  • Unplanning a delivery (to allow changes to a delivery).
  • Re-opening deliveries.
  • Pick releasing a delivery.
  • Ship confirming deliveries.
You can either manually or automatically group delivery lines to create a delivery. If a delivery is auto-created, the delivery lines are grouped together by the mandatory default criteria, Ship From Location and Ship To Location. However, additional grouping criteria can be included such as:
  • Customer
  • Freight Terms
  • FOB Code
  • Intermediate Ship To Location
  • Ship Method
If you auto-create a trip for delivery lines, the process creates a delivery also. If you generate a bill of lading number, and then unsaaign the delivery lines from the delivery, the delivery lines are also unassigned from the trip and the delivery retains the bill of lading number. To remove the bill of lading number, unassign the delivery from the trip.

Creating a Delivery

You can create a delivery in the Delivery window either manually or automatically. Additionally, a delivery can be auto-created at pick release by selecting Auto-create Deliveries in the Shipping Parameters window. See: Defining Pick Release Parameters.
Note: If the delivery has lines from internal orders between operating units then the Ship to date is the Expected Delivery Date in the Supply Demand window (Oracle Inventory).

arrow   To create a delivery:

  1. Navigate to the Delivery window.
  1. Enter a name and organization for the delivery.
  1. Select the initial ship from location, ship from date, ultimate ship to location, ship to date, intermediate ship to location, and pooled ship to, if applicable.
You can change intermediate ship-to regardless of whether it is part of the delivery grouping rule.
Note: You must have Oracle Release Management installed to define an Intermediate Ship-To Location.
  1. Enter the waybill number.
  1. Select the consignee, freight terms, ship method, freight on board (FOB), FOB location, gross weight, unit of measure (UOM) for the gross weight, tare weight, net weight, volume, and the unit of measure (UOM) for the volume.
The fields Carrier, Service Level, and Mode of Transport are for future use.
You can change freight terms, ship method, and FOB regardless of whether they are part of the delivery grouping rule. In addition, you can only change ship method if the delivery is not assigned to a trip.
  1. Enter the load sequence number to determine the order in which the delivery is placed on the vehicle.
  1. Select the lines loading order in which the delivery lines are placed in containers.
You can select from Forward, Reverse, Forward-Inverted, or Reverse-Inverted. See: Generating a Loading Sequence.
  1. Enter any additional information that may be required.
  1. Choose the Done button to save your work.

Auto-creating Deliveries

You can automatically create deliveries for delivery lines that are not assigned to a delivery. Additionally, a delivery can be auto-created at pick release by selecting Auto-create Deliveries in the Shipping Parameters window. See: Defining Pick Release Parameters.
One or more deliveries can be created depending on the default delivery grouping criteria set up in the Shipping Parameters. For example, if two groups of delivery lines have different Ship To addresses, a different delivery number is assigned to each group.
If you have sales orders with ship sets, place all delivery lines of each ship set on one delivery.
This process does not attend to the parameter setting for Autocreate Delivery Criteria on the Shipping Parameters form, Pick Release tabbed region. This option applies only to auto-creation at pick release.


check box   Delivery status must be Open.

arrow   To auto-create deliveries:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery lines that you want to add to a delivery.
The delivery lines are displayed in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. Select the delivery lines for which you want to create a delivery.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Auto-create Deliveries.
  1. Choose the Go button to create a delivery for the selected lines.
You can view the delivery name created for the delivery lines in the Delivery column in the Lines/Containers tab.
  1. Choose the Delivery tab to view or add additional delivery details.
  1. Save your work.

Viewing Shipping Status

Use the View Shipping Status window to the view the shipping status of all of the delivery details of a delivery. The shipping status includes the following types of information:
  • Quantity: For example, ordered quantity, pick released quantity, backordered quantity, ship confirmed quantity.
  • Line status: The current status for each delivery line and the next step needed to progress the delivery line.
You access the window from the Shipping Transactions form, Deliveries tabbed region. To view the shipping status of all of the delivery details of a sales order, use the Oracle Order Management Order Organizer form.

Shipping Status Information

This section details the shipping status information that you can see on the View Shipping Status window.
The main region displays each of the order lines belonging to the delivery with its summary information. Select any sales order line and view delivery detail information in the Delivery Line Details region.
The main region information is:
  • Delivery Name is displayed in the title bar.
  • Order Number and Line: The sales order number and line associated with the delivery.
  • Ordered Item, UOM, and Quantity Ordered: The delivery detail item, delivery detail unit of measure (the item primary unit of measure), and sales order line ordered quantity in primary unit of measure.
  • Quantity Delivery Requested: The requested quantity assigned to the delivery from the order line.
  • Quantity Not Ready to Release: Total requested quantity from the delivery lines (associated with this order line) at status Not Ready to Release.
  • Quantity Ready to Release: Total requested quantity from the delivery lines (associated with this order line) at status Ready to Release.
  • Quantity Released To Warehouse: Total requested quantity from the delivery lines (associated with this order line) at status Released to Warehouse.
  • Quantity Backordered: Total backordered quantity from the delivery lines (associated with this order line) at status Backordered.
  • Quantity Staged: Total picked quantity from the delivery lines (associated with this order line) at status Staged/Pick Confirmed.
  • Quantity Shipped: Total shipped quantity from the delivery lines (associated with this order line) at status Shipped.
  • Quantity Interfaced: Total interfaced quantity from the delivery lines (associated with this order line) at status Interfaced.
The Delivery Line Details region information is:
  • Delivery Name, Detail, Quantity, and Line Status: Identifying information from the delivery detail.
  • Next Step: The next action needed to progress the delivery line. It does not apply to delivery details with statuses Interfaced and Cancelled. This table details the next step for each delivery line.
Table: Next Step Information
Current Delivery Detail Status 
Next Step 
Not Applicable 
Ship Confirm 
Not Ready to Release 
Progress Order to Awaiting Shipping 
Ready to Release 
Run Pick Release 
Run Pick Release 
Released to Warehouse 
Transact Move Order 
Staged/Pick Confirmed 
Ship Confirm 
Close Trip Stop 

  • Ship Method: The carrier used for shipping the goods. It may not be the carrier from the order line but may be the ship method assigned at the highest level in the ship method hierarchy.
  • Actual Departure Date: The date that the carrier departed on the current leg of the trip.
  • Actual Arrival Date: The date that the carrier arrived from the current leg of the trip.
  • Tracking Number: Delivery detail tracking number.
  • Bill of Lading Number: Delivery detail bill of lading numbers. If there are bill of lading numbers for each delivery leg, a pop-up window shows the numbers.
  • Waybill Number: The delivery detail waybill number.
  • Move Order Number and Move Order Line Number: For delivery details with statuses Released to Warehouse and Staged/Pick Confirmed, the delivery detail move order number and move order line number.

arrow   To view shipping status

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Transactions form.
  1. In the Query Manager, query the delivery in which you are interested.
  1. When the Data Manager displays, navigate to the Deliveries tabbed region.
  1. In Actions, select View Shipping Status and click Go.
  1. View shipping status for all of the delivery lines of the delivery.
  1. View Picking Request is enabled if the delivery detail has status Staged, Released to Warehouse, Staged, or Interfaced. Click it to view the pick release request for the delivery detail.
  1. View Exception is enabled if the delivery detail has exceptions associated with it. Click it to view the shipping exceptions for the delivery detail.
  1. When you are finished viewing shipping status, click Done.
pack delivery lines into containers which prevents changes to containers/lines assigned to containers within the delivery.
Once a delivery is packed, the delivery line information cannot be changed until you unpack the delivery. If the Weight/Volume Calculation in Shipping Parameters is set to Automatic, the weight and volume is calculated at ship confirm.


check box   The delivery must be open.

check box   At least one delivery line must be assigned to the delivery you want to pack.

arrow   To pack an entire delivery without details required:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery you want to pack.
The delivery displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. Choose the Contents tab, and select the delivery lines you want to pack.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Pack.
  1. Choose the Go button.
The Containers window appears.
  1. Select the container.
  1. Choose the OK button.
The delivery lines assigned to the delivery are packed into the container.
  1. Save your work.

Auto-packing Delivery Lines assigned to Deliveries into LPNs

You can auto-pack delivery lines for a delivery into LPNs (containers). When you auto-pack a delivery, the delivery lines are grouped together by shared attributes such as the Ship To location, and are packed into LPNs based on the grouping and LPN type.
Once a delivery is packed, the delivery line information cannot be changed until you unpack the delivery. If the Weight/Volume Calculation in Shipping Parameters is set to Automatic, the weight and volume is calculated at ship confirm.


check box   All delivery lines must be assigned to a delivery.

check box   A container-item relationship must defined for the delivery line and container item. See: Defining Container-Item Relationships.

arrow   To auto-pack delivery lines assigned to deliveries into containers

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find delivery you want to pack.
The delivery displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. Choose the Contents tab.
  1. Select the delivery lines you want to pack.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Auto-pack.
  1. Choose the Go button.
The delivery lines assigned to the delivery are packed into containers.
  1. Save your work.

Unpacking a Delivery

You can unpack delivery line items if you want to modify the delivery lines assigned to a Packed delivery. Unpacking returns the delivery to the status it held prior to packing, and allows for changes.


check box   Delivery must be Packed.

check box   Delivery cannot be in Planned status.

check box   Delivery cannot be ship confirmed.

arrow   To unpack a delivery:

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Transactions window and find the Delivery you want to unpack.
  1. From the Actions menu, choose Unpack.
  1. Choose the Go button to unpack the delivery.
  1. Save your work.

Calculating Weight and Volume for a Delivery

The weight and volume of a delivery can be automatically or manually calculated. The default setting is set up in the Weight/Volume Calculation field in the Shipping Parameters window:
  • If you select Automatic, the weight and volume is always calculated automatically at ship confirm. Any weight/volume value is overwritten. The automatic calculation of weight and volume includes the fill percentage.
  • If you select Manual, you must manually calculate the weight and volume by selecting Calculate Weight/Volume from the Actions menu. The weight/volume values entered in the delivery will be used for ship confirm.
When the weight, volume, and fill percentage for a delivery is calculated, Shipping Execution:
  • Calculates the weight, volume, and fill percentage of each open delivery and adds the values to the delivery's current weight, volume, and fill percentage.
  • Validates that the maximum load weight, the maximum internal volume, and the maximum fill percentage are not exceeded.
  • Validates that minimum fill percentage requirements are attained.
  • Calculates (estimates) the number of containers for each delivery line based on container/load relationships and the master/detail container specified on the delivery line.


check box   All delivery lines must be assigned to deliveries.

check box   Delivery status must be set to Open.

arrow   To calculate weight and volume for a delivery (automatically):

If you selected Automatic in the Weight/Volume Calculation field in the Shipping Parameters window, the weight and volume is calculated automatically at ship confirm. See: Defining Shipping Transaction Parameters.

arrow   To calculate weight and volume for a delivery (manually):

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery.
The delivery displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Calculate Weight/Volume.
  1. Choose the Go button.
The weight and volume for the delivery is calculated and can be viewed in the Deliveries or Contents tab.
  1. Save your work.

Generating a Loading Sequence for Delivery Lines in a Delivery

The loading sequence defines the order in which the delivery lines are loaded into containers. You can generate a loading sequence for delivery lines within a delivery by selecting the Generate Loading Sequence item from the Actions menu.
The loading sequence applies to the lowest level of packing (loading). For example, if a Detail container is specified for a delivery line, the loading sequence determines the order the item is loaded into the container. If a container is not specified, the loading sequence determines the order an item is placed in a vehicle.
If an item is loaded into a container first and then into a vehicle, a loading sequence of the items can only be reviewed through the vehicle load sheet. The vehicle load sheet prints the loading sequence in the correct order.


check box   The status of the delivery must be open.

check box   The Lines Loading field (located on the Delivery tab of the Delivery Detail window) must be defined for the delivery. The Customer Production Sequence field (located in the Contents tab) must be defined for the delivery lines assigned to the delivery.
Note: You can manually define the Lines Loading in the Delivery tab. The Customer Production Sequence number can be defined in one of two ways: the number can be defined for the order line at the customer site and the order line can then be imported via Order Import, or you can define the number in the Others tab in the Sales Orders window.
check box   You must assign containers to each of the delivery line items.

check box   You must calculate the weight and volume of the delivery and/or trip.

check box   The Volume and Weight Unit of Measure fields must be defined for the trip and/or delivery.

arrow   To generate a loading sequence for delivery lines in a delivery:

  1. Navigate to the Delivery window.
  1. Select the lines loading order to determine the order the delivery lines are placed in containers.
  1. Choose the Done button.
  1. In the Contents tab of the Shipping Transactions window, select the delivery lines.
  1. In the Deliveries tab, select Generate Loading Sequence from the Actions menu to generate a loading sequence for the delivery lines in the delivery.
  1. Choose the Go button.
  1. Save your work.

Example of Loading Sequence Generation

Assume you have the following 6 delivery lines with unique production sequence numbers.

Customer Production Sequence Number 







Delivery Line 

If each container can only hold 2 items, the following loading sequence will be generated for each given loading order.

Loading Order = Forward 

Loading Order = Reverse 

Loading Order = Forward Invert 

Loading Order = Reverse Invert 

Loading Order = Reverse 

Assigning Deliveries to a Trip

You can create a new delivery and assign it to a trip, or assign an existing delivery to a trip. You can assign deliveries to an existing in-transit trip provided that the stops selected for the assignment are in Open or Arrived status.
Note for advanced transportation planners: When a delivery is manually or automatically assigned to a trip, the Shipping Transactions window creates a delivery leg. If a trip for the delivery is created during ship confirmation, a delivery leg is created using the sourcing warehouse as the initial pick-up and the ultimate destination as the drop-off.


check box   Status for the trip must be Open.

check box   Status for the Delivery must be Open.

arrow   To assign a delivery to a trip:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery.
The delivery displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Assign to Trip to display the Assign Deliveries to Trip window. You can enter the information about the trip to which you want to assign the delivery.
  1. Select the trip name that you want the delivery assigned to.
Note: Alternately, for quickly assigning a delivery to a trip, you can select a trip and click the OK button. The delivery's initial pick-up and ultimate drop-off default values are used.
You can add a new pick-up and drop-off stop for the delivery, or alternately, select an existing pick-up and drop-off stop associated with the trip.
    • To assign the delivery to a new stop: In the Pick-up Stop region, enable the New box if you want to add a new pick-up stop. In the Drop-off region, enable the New box if you want to add a new drop-off stop. Select the location, arrival date, and departure date for each stop.
Note: You can assign deliveries to stops that are in Open or Arrived status.You cannot assign deliveries to stops that are in Closed status.
    • Alternately, to assign the delivery to an existing stop: Select the location for the pick-up stop and the drop-off stop. The default departure and arrival dates for each stop location are automatically selected.
  1. Choose the OK button and save your work.

Closing a Delivery

You can close an open or planned delivery. When you close a delivery, Shipping Execution sets the status of the delivery to Closed.
Note: Once a delivery is closed, no further actions can be performed on the delivery until it is re-opened.

arrow   To close a delivery:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery you want to close.
The delivery displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Close.
  1. Choose the Go button to change the status of the delivery to Closed.
  1. Save your work.

Planning a Delivery

You can plan a delivery once delivery lines have been assigned to the delivery. Planning a delivery prevents changes from being made to the delivery. To make changes to a planned delivery, you must unplan it first and then make the required changes.


check box   At least one delivery line must be assigned to the delivery.

check box   Delivery status must be Open.

arrow   To plan a delivery:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery.
The delivery displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Plan.
  1. Choose the Go button.
  1. Save your work.

Unplanning a Delivery

You can unplan a delivery to unassign delivery lines. When you unplan a delivery, Shipping Execution:
  • Deletes any container information for the delivery
  • Sets the status of the delivery to Open
Note: All delivery lines remain assigned when you unplan a delivery.


check box   The delivery cannot be Closed or Cancelled.

check box   All delivery lines assigned to the delivery must be available to release.

arrow   To unplan a delivery:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery.
The delivery displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Unplan.
  1. Choose the Go button to unplan the delivery.
  1. Save your work.

Reopening a Delivery

You can reopen a ship-confirmed delivery (as long as the Stop containing the delivery is still open) to modify details for the delivery. You can modify and re-ship confirm the delivery.


check box   The delivery must not be Closed.

arrow   To re-open a delivery:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery.
The delivery displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Re-open.
  1. Choose the Go button.
  1. Save your work.

Overview of Pick Release

Pick Release finds and releases eligible delivery lines that meet the release criteria, and creates move orders. You can pick release by order, trip, stop, container, delivery, warehouse, customer, scheduled, or requested dates, shipment priority or combinations of the above criteria. The default release criteria is set up in Shipping Parameters, but you can override the default criteria in the Release Sales Order window at pick release.
The move orders create a reservation, determine the source, and transfer the inventory to staging areas. Pick Slips can be created after the detailing process completes, and the quantity and source can be manually verified at pick confirm. Detailing and pick confirmation can be manually transacted through inventory or set up in Shipping Parameters to occur automatically at pick release.
You can run one or more releases and customize release criteria to meet your requirements. You can define:
  • Release Rules to specify your picking criteria through pick release parameters.
  • Release Sequence Rules to specify the order in which eligible delivery lines are released during pick release.
  • Pick Slip Grouping Rules to determine how released move order lines are grouped onto pick slips.
Pick Release can be run using the following methods:
  • On-line: You can pick release one order immediately, thereby eliminating time spent waiting for the order to process through the Concurrent Manager queue. This is done in the Release Sales Orders for Picking window. This window can also be accessed from the Tools menu in the Shipping Transactions window.
  • Concurrent: You can run pick release in the background, allowing you to run other processes simultaneously. This is done in the Release Sales Orders for Picking window. This window can also be accessed from the Tools menu in the Shipping Transactions window.
  • Standard Report Submission (SRS): You can run a specific release at the same time every day. SRS runs pick release in the background multiple times. This is done in the Release Sales Orders for Picking SRS window.
  • Shipping Transactions window: You can run pick release in the Shipping Transactions window by selecting Launch Pick Release from the Actions menu.

Move Orders

A move order is a request for a subinventory transfer or account issue. The pick release process creates move orders which are pre-approved requests for subinventory transfers to bring material from its source locations in the warehouse to a staging subinventory. Reservations created for sales orders are automatically updated and transferred for the user as the move order is released and transacted.

Picking Rules

Move orders will use the picking rules set up in Oracle Inventory to locate the material required to fulfill the move order line. Together with item-subinventory defaults (required if the staging subinventory is locator controlled), the picking rules suggest the staging transfer transaction lines with appropriate source information that will be required to obtain enough material in the staging location for the delivery. The process where the Picking Engine generates these transaction line suggestions is called allocating.

Staging Locations

The destination subinventory for a pick wave move order is the staging location into which the picked material should be deposited. Each organization should designate at least one staging subinventory. Staging subinventories should be reservable. Each batch created at pick release will have the same destination staging subinventory. The default staging subinventory and locator to be used for all pick wave move orders are specified through Oracle Shipping Execution's Shipping Parameters window. This location can be changed at pick release. To model different staging lanes within the staging area, facilities may choose to either create different subinventories or designate staging lane locators within one staging subinventory.

Configuring Your Picking Process

You can determine the number of pick release steps the system will prompt to move material from pick release to ship confirmation. These steps are:
  1. Pick Release
  1. Move Order Line Allocation (detailing)
  1. Move Order Line Pick Confirmation
  1. Ship Confirmation

Pick Release

Oracle Shipping Execution's Pick Release process creates move orders. One order is created per pick release batch per organization, so if you pick release across multiple organizations, one move order is generated in each facility. One move order line is generated for each order line included in the picking batch. That move order line includes the item, quantity, the staging location (the destination subinventory and locator) and a source subinventory and locator if one was specified on the sales order line or on the Release Sales Orders window.
For non-transactable items, pick release does not use the value of Enforce Ship Sets and Ship Models in the shipping parameters. However, ship confirm does validate non-transactable items for broken ship sets and ship models.

Detail Line Allocation (Detailing)

To release the move order lines created at Pick Release to the warehouse and to print pick slips, the lines must be allocated. The allocation process for a pick wave move order line also creates a high level (organization level) reservation for the item(s) if no previous reservations exist for them. Users can choose to do this immediately after the move order lines are created or to postpone this step until a later point in time. Once the lines are allocated, they have a status of Released to Warehouse. For information on viewing the status of delivery lines, see Viewing the Status of a Delivery Line.
Postponing the detailing process might be employed by organizations that pick release across multiple warehouses but prefer to allow each warehouse to determine when to release their order lines to the floor. Detailing the order lines immediately after they are created is called auto-detailing. Postponing the detailing process is referred to as manual-detail. You can set up a default detailing mode in the Shipping Parameters window. This default can be overridden at each Pick Release through the Release Sales Orders window.

Pick Confirmation

The move order line details must be transacted (in Inventory) to confirm the material drop-off in staging. Pick confirmation executes the subinventory transfer that moves the material from its source location in the warehouse to the staging location. Pick Confirmation automatically transfers the high level reservation to a allocated reservation (including lots, subinventory and locators) in the staging location.
Inventory updates Shipping Execution with the results of the pick confirm:
  • Pick Confirmed quantity is assigned a status of Staged/Pick Confirmed.
  • Unconfirmed quantity is assigned a status of Backordered.
At pick confirmation, a user can report a missing quantity or change information if material is picked from a different lot, serial, locator, or subinventory. Auto pick confirm can be set up as the default to occur immediately after the lines are detailed if an organization's picks rarely deviate from the suggested picking lines or the overhead of requiring a Pick Confirmation is unmanageable. Users can set up a default Pick Confirm policy in the Inventory organization parameters. This default can be overridden at each Pick Release.
Pick confirmation follows the allocation and reservation process automatically if both the Auto Allocate and Auto Pick Confirm options are selected in the Release Rules window. Pick Confirm always follows the detailing and reservation process. If Auto Allocate is not chosen, it is not possible to Auto Pick Confirm.
Note: Even if automatic pick confirm is used, the material is only transacted to the staging subinventory and reserved. A user can still manage any discrepancies found by deleting the reservation and transacting the material back to its original subinventory. If mobile devices such as bar code scanners are used to perform inventory transactions, it is suggested that you use manual pick confirmation for greatest inventory accuracy and control.
After you perform a partial move transaction on a move order, the delivery detail shipped quantity is usually blank. However, if the move order is for a serial controlled item, the shipped quantity appears. Generally, the requested quantity of a staged delivery detail is the shipped quantity because the non-shipped quantity is split into separate backorder delivery lines. However, for delivery details with serial controlled items, the shipped quantity has a value so that you can enter the serial numbers when transacting.
To overpick, you must pick confirm manually using the Oracle Inventory Transact Move Order form.

Overpicking and Overshipping

If you pick the requested quantity of a delivery detail, you can overship within the overship tolerance.
If you overpick the requested quantity of a delivery detail, you cannot overship that delivery detail but you can overship the cumulative line (the sum of all the split lines) within the overship tolerance. However, you cannot ship confirm a greater quantity than the quantity that you picked, regardless of the overship tolerance.
You can overpick a ship set and you can overship items in the ship set as long as the amount shipped does not break the ship set.

Overpicking Processing

The overpicking process calculates the following quantities and uses zero when the calculation results in a negative number:
  • Excess Pick Quantity = Picked Qty - Shipped Qty - Backordered Qty - Staged Qty
  • Backordered Quantity = Requested Qty - Shipped Qty - Staged Qty
  • Staged Quantity = Requested Qty - Shipped Qty - Backordered Qty: You cannot stage in excess of this quantity.
  • Quantity to Backorder = Requested Qty - Shipped Qty: You cannot backorder in excess of this quantity.
After you pick confirm, Oracle Inventory passes the following information to Oracle Shipping Execution:
  • Quantity pick confirmed.
  • Quantity of allocations pending pick confirm: The sum of quantities of allocations pending pick confirm transactions.You cannot create allocations in the pick confirm transaction.
After pick confirm, Picked Quantity is the same as or more then Requested Quantity.
If you pick less than the Requested Quantity, pick confirm splits the delivery line:
  • The original line quantity is the detailed quantity. Its released status progresses to Staged/Pick Confirmed.
  • The new line quantity is the difference between the requested quantity and the detailed quantity. Its released status is Backorder.
When there is a pending quantity, Oracle Shipping Execution processes the delivery detail differently, depending on whether the overpick:
  • Satisfies the delivery line requested quantity: It creates an overpick-pending delivery line with Requested Quantity of zero and Picked Quantity of the quantity that remains to be pick confirmed.
  • Results in a pending quantity: It creates a normal delivery line to await subsequent pick confirm transactions. It has status Released to warehouse and has a Requested Quantity.
When either the Picked Quantity or the Pending Quantity is blank, pick confirm:
  • Backorders the delivery line if its Picked Quantity is null and the Requested Quantity is greater than zero.
  • Delete the delivery line if its Requested Quantity is null and the Picked Quantity is greater than zero.
If there is at least one allocation pending, there will be a delivery line with status Released to warehouse that may be pending overpick. If a delivery line is fulfilled by the Picked Quantity and there is a Pending Quantity, pick confirm creates a new delivery line pending overpick.
The unshipped, picked quantity in excess of the requested quantity is removed at ship confirm; it cannot be staged or backordered.
If a move order line quantity is reduced because the order line quantity is reduced, you cannot overpick the move order line in excess of the original allocated quantity.
When you overpick, the requested quantity not yet staged is reduced accordingly. The move order line can be partially cancelled. Although you sometimes have to overpick, you do not have to overship.
You can find the following fields that pertain to overpicking on the Transactions form, Folder and the Transactions form, Lines/LPN detail region:
  • Picked Quantity
  • Secondary Picked Quantity
  • Pending Overpick checkbox

Ship Confirmation

The material picking process ends when the items are ship confirmed out of inventory. Ship confirming the items removes the existing reservations and performs the sales order issue transaction. A user may choose to ship confirm only part of the sales order quantity. In this case, the balance of the sales order may be backordered. Backordering at Ship Confirm automatically splits the sales order into two lines. The first line represents the shipped quantity, and the second line represents the backordered quantity. The backordered line is automatically Pick Released by Oracle Shipping Execution. A move order line is automatically generated for the backordered quantity. For information on viewing the status of delivery lines, see Viewing the Status of a Delivery Line.
You have the following options if the partial inventory quantity shipped is less than the requested quantity:
  • When the partial quantity is not available due to inventory discrepancy or damage, you can enter the shipped quantity and the remaining quantity defaults to the backorder field on the line. Upon ship confirmation, the reservation is transferred to cycle count so the discrepant amount is not available to pick.
  • You can enter the shipped quantity on the line, then enter the partial quantity in the Stage Quantity field on the line. The partial quantity remains in the staging subinventory with the reservation intact.

Shortages and Backorders

During detailing, if the quantity requested is greater than the quantity allocated on the move order line (shortage), pick release performs auto-backordering. It:
  • Splits the delivery line as follows:
    • The original line quantity is the detailed quantity. Its released status progresses-- Ready to Release becomes Released to Warehouse (or Staged/Pick Confirmed if pick release auto pick confirms).
    • The new line quantity is the difference between the requested quantity and the detailed quantity. Its released status is Backorder. It has no move order line reference; it will have one after you pick release it.
    • Updates the move order line that is associated with the original delivery detail: Oracle Inventory changes the requested quantity on the move order line to the detailed quantity.
    • Notifies Oracle Order Management to update the sales order line and to change its status to Backordered.
  • Unassigns the delivery line from the delivery.
  • If the delivery line is assigned to containers, unassigns the delivery line from the containers and unassigns the empty containers from the delivery.
Example: Shortage at Detailing
You book and release a sales order line for 10 units of item A. Pick release finds 7 available for allocation. The following occurs:
  • Oracle Inventory updates Oracle Shipping Execution with the detailing results.
  • Auto-backorder splits the delivery line.
  • Auto-backorder notifies Oracle Order Management to split the sales order line.
  • Oracle Shipping Execution reduces the requested quantity on the move order line.
The sales order lines appear as follows:
  • Line: 1; Item: A; Quantity: 7
  • Line: 1.1; Item: A; Quantity: 3
The delivery details appear as follows:
  • Line: 100; Sales Order Line: 1; Item: A; Quantity: 7; Status: Released; Move Order Line: 1000
  • Line: 101; Sales Order Line: 1.1; Item: A; Quantity: 3; Status: Backordered
The move order line appears as: Line: 1000; Required Quantity: 7; Detailed Quantity: 7
The move order line detail appears as Line: 10000; Move Order Line: 1000; Quantity: 7; From Location: Stores; To Location: Staged
At pick confirm, since the move order line was changed at detailing, it closes the move order line even though all 10 units were not found. The move order line appears as Line: 1000; Required Quantity: 7; Detailed Quantity: 7; Complete Quantity: 7. It removes the move order line detail.
At ship confirm, the delivery details appear as Line: 100; Sales Order Line: 1; Item: A; Quantity: 7; Status: Shipped. It removes the move order line even though all 10 units were not found.
Example: Shortage at Pick Confirmation
You book and release a sales order line for 10 units of item A.
The sales order lines appear as Line: 1; Item: A; Quantity: 10
The delivery details appear as Line: 100; Sales Order Line: 1; Item: A; Quantity: 10; Status: Released; Move Order Line: 1000
The move order line appears as: Line: 1000; Required Quantity: 10; Detailed Quantity: 10
The move order line detail appears as Line: 10000; Move Order Line: 1000; Quantity: 10; From Location: Stores; To Location: Staged
At pick confirm, the picker can only find seven units, requests Oracle Shipping Execution to redetail the balance, and the detailing process cannot find more of the item. The following occurs:
  • Oracle Inventory updates Oracle Shipping Execution with the detailing results.
  • Auto-backorder splits the delivery line.
  • Auto-backorder notifies Oracle Order Management to split the sales order line.
  • Oracle Shipping Execution reduces the requested quantity on the move order line.
The sales order lines appear as follows:
  • Line: 1; Item: A; Quantity: 7
  • Line: 1.1; Item: A; Quantity: 3
The delivery details appear as follows:
  • Line: 100; Sales Order Line: 1; Item: A; Quantity: 7; Status: Released; Move Order Line: 1000
  • Line: 101; Sales Order Line: 1.1; Item: A; Quantity: 3; Status: Backordered
The move order line appears as: Line: 1000; Required Quantity: 7; Detailed Quantity: 7; Complete Quantity: 7. It removes the move order line detail.
At ship confirm, the delivery details appear as Line: 100; Sales Order Line: 1; Item: A; Quantity: 7; Status: Shipped. It removes the move order line.

Serial Numbers

Detailing can suggest serial numbers to be transacted to fulfill the pick wave move order line. A user can change the suggested (pre-specified) serial numbers if the picker chose different serials. Some organizations, however, may choose to not suggest serial numbers and require the pickers to enter the numbers they have selected. This option is enabled using a profile option called INV: Allocate Serial Numbers. If you choose not to detail serial numbers, any pick wave move order line for a serialized item will not be automatically pick confirmed and the picker will have to enter the serial numbers before the material is transacted into staging and becomes eligible for Ship Confirmation.
You can change serial numbers only for items with attribute Serial Generation At Sales Order Issue for Staged Lines. For Serial Generation Predefined and At Receipt, you enter the serial numbers at pick confirm.
When you change pre-specified serial numbers:
  • The list of values displays only serial numbers in the staging subinventory. You must manually move the pre-specified serial number to the staging subinventory. A serial controlled item that is not selected remains in the staging subinventory
  • Oracle Inventory marks pre specified serial numbers during pick confirm so that they cannot be used in a transaction for a different order.
If all orders should be automatically pick confirmed, the profile option must be set to Yes. No reservations are placed on the specific serial numbers that are pick confirmed so if the picker chooses a serial number that was not recommended by the system, the user can perform a subinventory transfer to move the correct serial number to the staging location and then perform another subinventory transfer to move the erroneous serial number back into the storage location.
At Pick Confirmation, Oracle Shipping Execution collects the serial numbers that were transacted into staging and assigns them to the appropriate delivery line. It is no longer necessary to enter serial numbers at Ship Confirmation unless a change occurs and a user has decided to ship different units than those suggested.


The material picking process also manages Supply Chain Reservations for the user. If no reservation was created prior to pick release through Oracle Order Management or Oracle Inventory, a high level (organization wide) reservation is placed on the item for that sales order. When the move order is transacted at pick confirmation, that reservation is transferred to a detail level (including locators, lots, revisions, and the staging subinventory) reservation in the staging location. Staging subinventories should be reservable.

Identifying Potential Shortages

If the allocation process was unable to locate enough material to fulfill the move order line, a shortage situation exists. A short move order line can be re-detailed through the Move Order Transaction window to allow the picker to direct it to another location or by re-releasing the Sales Order through Pick Release.

Releasing Sales Orders for Picking

The Release Sales Orders for Picking window specifies the criteria for releasing one or more order lines. You can select order lines based on a number of criteria such as warehouse, shipment request date, and item. Shipping Execution only releases delivery lines which have been booked and have met the prerequisites for Pick Release.
There are two methods for running Pick Release from this window--Online and Concurrent:
Online: Releases an order, Trip, Trip Stop, or delivery immediately, thus eliminating time spent waiting to process through the Concurrent Manager queue. However, if this method is selected, you must wait until pick release completes prior to running other processes.
Concurrent: Releases in the background for multiple orders, Trips, or deliveries, thus allowing you to run other processes simultaneously.
These rules determine how Pick Release handles order lines/picking lines:
Release Rules to specify your picking criteria through pick release parameters.
The Scheduled Ship Dates and Requested Dates criteria display from the release rule (if you select one) as follows:
  • The date display depends on the relationship of the release rule date and today:
    • If today is later than the release rule date, the date that displays is today. For example, if the release rule date is 21-August and you launch pick release on 24-August, the date that displays is 24-August.
    • If the release rule date is later than today, the date that displays is the date on the release rule. For example, if the release rule date is 29-August and you launch pick release on 24-August, the date that displays is 29-August.
  • The timestamp display always shows the timestamp of the release rule, regardless of the time that you launch pick release.
Release Sequence Rules specify the order in which eligible delivery lines are released. The order in which delivery lines are released using a Release Sequence Rule is based on the following attributes: order number, outstanding invoice value, scheduled date, departure date, and shipment priority. For example, if you wanted to ensure that delivery line items with the earliest Scheduled Ship Dates were released before any other similar items, you could create a Release Sequence Rule that would release items with the earliest scheduled dates first and then select that rule during Pick Release. You must specify a Release Sequence Rule.
Pick Slip Grouping Rules define how move order lines are grouped together on a pick slip. You must specify a Pick Slip Grouping Rule.
When you release a partial quantity of a delivery line, Pick Release releases the available quantity and creates a new delivery line consisting of the remaining quantity. For example, if you wanted to release a delivery line consisting of 10 items but only 6 items were available to release, Pick Release would release the 6 items and create a new delivery line consisting of the 4 remaining items.
If reservations are not available for a particular item, Pick Release leaves the item as submitted to inventory. Pick Release uses item attributes you define in Oracle Inventory, such as lot and locator control, to determine which attributes must be maintained when an item is released. If you place a reservation for an item and include some of the necessary inventory attribute information, Pick Release verifies the existing reservations and adds the outstanding required information. For example, if you are releasing an item under lot and locator controls and you reserve the item on-line to the lot level, Pick Release uses the lot you reserved to and automatically adds the locator to the reservation.


check box   You must book an order (order lines must be shippable and the line must have a shipping Workflow activity).
Note: Credit checking and holds prevent an eligible order line from releasing until the order line is reviewed and removed from hold. For example, you may have a hold on defective products received from your supplier. Shipping Execution prevents release of order lines, even if they have passed all the cycle prerequisites, until the hold is removed. If credit checking is active at Pick Release, the order is evaluated to see if it violates your credit checking policies. If it does, the order is placed on hold and the lines are not released. If an order was previously on credit hold but no longer violates your credit checking policies, Pick Release automatically releases the order from credit hold and processes the appropriate order lin

Pick Releasing from the Shipping Transactions Form

From the Shipping Transactions form, you can pick release trips, stops, deliveries, containers (LPNs), and lines.You can run pick release in the Shipping Transactions window by selecting Launch Pick Release from the Actions menu.
You can pick release an entire trip automatically without having to pick release each warehouse independently. This is convenient if you want to pick release all deliveries and delivery lines assigned to a trip that may originate from more than one warehouse.

arrow   To pick release all delivery lines for a trip:

  1. Navigate to the Trip window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Launch Pick Release.
  1. Choose the Go button.
Pick Release is launched and pick releases the deliveries and delivery lines for that trip.
  1. Choose the Done button.
  1. Save your work.
Note: Alternate Pick Release methods:
    • If you want to release only those delivery lines for a specific delivery within a trip. When you are in the Delivery window, select Pick Release Form from the Tools menu of the Shipping Transactions window.
    • Navigate to the Release Sales Order window. Choose the Online or Concurrent button. You can also select the Release Sales Order SRS window rather than the Release Sales Order window.

arrow   To release a sales order:

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager, and find the trip.
The trip displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Tools menu, select Pick Release Form.
  1. Complete your entries in the Release Sales Order for Picking window. Optionally, select a Based On Rule to automatically default the pick release criteria for the selected rule.
Note: If you have not created a release rule or do not want to use an existing release rule, do not select a Based on Rule. See: Defining Release Rules.
  1. Choose the Concurrent or Online button to pick release the deliveries and delivery lines for the trip.
  1. Save your work.

Order Cancellations

With the new material picking process, a sales order can now be canceled after it has been pick released without requiring the user to backorder in Oracle Shipping Execution. If an order quantity is reduced after pick release, any requested and detailed quantities on the move order line are reduced accordingly and any Reservations that exist for the sales order will be updated to reflect the new order quantity. These changes are made automatically and require no intervention from the user.

Overview of Ship Confirm

Ship Confirm is the process of recording that items have shipped. When you ship confirm a delivery, Shipping Execution confirms that the delivery lines associated with the delivery have shipped.
The options in the Confirm Delivery window provide flexibility for automating many tasks associated with processing deliveries with many delivery lines. For example, when the Ship Entered Quantities, Unspecified Quantities Ship option is selected at ship confirm, the shipped amounts are automatically processed so that each delivery line with a missing shipped quantity value is recorded as fully shipped. This saves you from manually entering each item as fully shipped.
During ship confirm, you can also automatically create a trip and related stops for a delivery that has not been assigned to a trip.


You may choose to backorder, for example, if one of your customers will have a down production line if you do not ship allocated material to them right away. You can ship a partial quantity to the intended customer and backorder the remaining quantity to accommodate the down line situation. Run pick release on the backordered delivery line to allocate it to the down-line customer.
If you decide to backorder at ship confirm, use either of the following ship confirm options:
  • Ship Entered Quantities, Unspecified Quantities Backorder: The ship confirm process splits the delivery line as follows:
    • The original line quantity is the detailed quantity. Its released status progresses--Released to Warehouse becomes Staged/Pick Confirmed and Staged/Pick Confirmed becomes Shipped.
    • The new line quantity is the difference between the requested quantity and the detailed quantity. Its released status is Backorder. It has no move order line reference; it will have one after you pick release it.
  • Backorder All: The ship confirm process places the delivery line into backorder.
  • With either option, if the delivery detail is assigned to a trip in Planned status, the ship confirm process keeps the delivery and container assignments. If the trip is not planned, the ship confirm process unpacks packed containers.
When you backorder at ship confirm, the inventory shows in a staging location. If you move the backordered material, perform a subinventory transfer transaction to record this movement.


You can ship a model not proportionately, for example:
  • You ship all of the components but not in the correct proportion.
  • You do not ship all of the components.
When you ship a model in this manner, Oracle Order Management breaks the model and treats each order line as an individual line. Non-shippable lines become fulfilled and eligible for invoicing. To prevent this, do either of the following:
  • Put the PTO model into a fulfillment set; none of the lines move beyond fulfillment until all the lines are fulfilled.
  • Use header level invoicing; none of the lines are elegible for invoicing until all of the lines are elibible for invoiving.


check box   Delivery lines must be released.

check box   Delivery must be open.

check box   At least one delivery line must be assigned to the delivery.
Note: If lines are not released or do not satisfy Inventory controls, a warning appears and they are unassigned from the delivery at Ship Confirm time.

arrow   To ship confirm a delivery

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window, and find the delivery.
The delivery displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Ship Confirm to display the Confirm Delivery window.
  1. In the Ship Options region, select one of the following ship confirm options:
    • Ship Entered Quantities, Unspecified Quantities Ship: Ship confirms the quantity of items specified in the Shipped Quantity field and treats blank values as full quantity (shipped quantity = requested quantity). For example, if the Requested Quantity is 10 and the Shipped Quantity field is blank (no values entered), the full quantity (10) is shipped and displays in the Shipped Quantity field.
    • Ship Entered Quantities, Unspecified Quantities Backorder: Ship confirms the quantity of items specified in the Shipped Quantity field and treats blank quantities as full backorders (backorder quantity = requested quantity). For example, if the Requested Quantity is 10 and the Shipped Quantity field is blank (no values), the full quantity (10) is backordered and displays in the Backordered Quantity field.
    • Ship Entered Quantities, Unspecified Quantities Stage: Leaves the unspecified delivery line quantity as staged and removes it from the delivery. For example, if the Requested Quantity is 10 and the Shipped Quantity field is blank (no values), the full quantity (10) remains in the Stage Quantity field and the line is no longer associated with a delivery.
Note: If a non-zero Stage Quantity exists on a line, it is split from the line and unassigned from the delivery. If the Create Delivery for Staged Quantities is enabled, all staged delivery lines are grouped together in a new delivery.
    • Ship Entered Quantities, Unspecified Quantities Cycle Count: Ship confirms the quantity of items specified in the Shipped Quantity field, treats blank quantities as full backorders (backorder quantity = requested quantity), and transfers the backorder reservation to cycle counting. For example, if the Requested Quantity is 10 and the Shipped Quantity field is blank (no values), the full quantity (10) is backordered and transferred to cycle counting. You can also transfer delivery quantities to cycle count prior to ship confirm by using the Shipping Transactions form, Cycle Count action.
    • Ship All: Ship confirms the entire quantity regardless of what was entered in the Shipped Quantity field (shipped quantity = requested quantity). For example, if the Requested Quantity is 10 and the Shipped Quantity field is 5, the full requested quantity is shipped (10) and displays in the Shipped Quantity field.
    • Backorder All: Backorders the entire quantity irrespective of what was entered (shipped quantity = 0, backorder quantity = requested quantity).
Note: The delivery status is Closed, the delivery is unassigned from all trips and all lines will be unassigned from the delivery.
    • Cycle Count All: Backorders the entire quantity irrespective of what was entered (shipped quantity = 0, backorder quantity = requested quantity) and transfers the backorder reservation to cycle counting. You can also transfer delivery quantities to cycle count prior to ship confirm by using the Shipping Transactions form, Cycle Count action.
  1. Enable the Create Delivery for Staged Quantities box (default setting), if you want all staged delivery lines grouped together in a new delivery.
If you do not want to create a trip for the delivery, choose the Go button to ship confirm and save your work.
Note: Auto-create trip options are dimmed if the selected delivery is already assigned to a trip.
  1. In the Auto-create Trip Options region, select or update the ship method and the actual departure date. This allows you to specify the stop departure date which also updates Inventory.
The simplest way to ship confirm one or more deliveries is to enable the Set Delivery in-Transit and Close Trip fields in the Confirm Delivery window:
Set Delivery In-transit: Creates a trip and stops for the delivery. Closes the first stop of the delivery, but leaves second stop open. Sets status of delivery to In-transit and initiates Order Management (OM) and Inventory interfaces.
Close Trip: Creates a trip and stops for the delivery. Closes trip, all stops, and the delivery.
You can enter a future Actual Departure Date. If Allow Future Ship Date in the Shipping Parameters form, Shipping Transactions tabbed region, is cleared, do not do so as you receive an error. If Allow Future Ship Date is selected, you recieve a warning and the Inventory Interface concurrent process does not process the transaction until the actual departure date.
  1. Enable the Create Bill of Lading box if you want to create a Bill of Lading. This generates a Bill of Lading number and prints it if it is part of a document set.
  1. Choose one of the following:
    • If you disable the Defer Interface box and run Ship Confirm, inventory gets decremented and the order line is updated with the shipped quantity.
    • If you enable the Defer Interface box and run Ship Confirm, you need to run the Interface Trip Stop-SRS concurrent request to update the Inventory and the Order Line status. When the Defer Interface box is enabled, a request is not automatically submitted to interface the trip stops.
Note: The Defer Interface is defaulted by the Shipping Parameters set-up.
  1. Select the document set you want printed for the delivery and choose the OK button.
A trip and related stops are created for the delivery. Save your work
Note: If a delivery is in confirmed status, the pick-up stop has to be closed manually to update Inventory/Order Management (OM). The delivery can be re-opened at any time to make changes as long as the delivery is in confirmed status.

Assigning Serial Numbers at Ship Confirm

At ship confirm, you can manually assign serial numbers to items that you want to ship. Serial numbers can be assigned singly or consecutively to a range of items depending on your requirements.
Items must already be set up in inventory so that serial numbers can be assigned at ship confirm. This is done in Oracle Inventory in the Master Item window (Inventory tab > Serial section > Generation > At Sales Order Issue). Also, if the INV: Allocate Serial Number profile option has been set to No, you must manually enter the required serial numbers at ship confirm.
After pick release is run, you must enter the shipped quantity in the Shipping Transactions window before you can enter the serial numbers at ship confirm.
If you enter multiple serial numbers in the Transactions form for a staged delivery line, the Interface Trip Stop concurrent process explodes the delivery line into multiple delivery lines, each having a serial number range. For example, you are shipping a delivery line with a quantity of 10,000. If you enter 10 ranges of 1000 serial numbers each, the Interface Trip Stop concurrent process splits the delivery line into ten delivery lines. You can view the deliveries' low and high serial numbers in the Transactions form, after a run of the Inventory Interface concurrent process, by:
  • Querying the Lines/LPNs folder
  • Querying the Lines/LPNs folder, clicking Detail..., and selecting the Inventory Details tabbed region

arrow   To assign serial numbers at ship confirm

  1. Navigate to the Query Manager window and query the order.
The order displays in the Shipping Transactions window.
  1. From the Actions menu, select Launch Pick Release to pick release the order.
  1. Click Details....
  1. Choose the Lines/LPN tabbed region and confirm that the delivery line is in Staged/Pick Confirmed status.
  1. In the Quantity region, Shipped field, enter the shipped quantity.
  1. Remove the cursor from the Shipped field; the process accepts the shipped quality.
  1. If you are shipping one of the item:
    • Move to the Inventory Details tabbed region.
    • In Serial Number, enter the serial number. You do not need to attend to Serial Number High.
    • Click Done.
  1. If you are shipping more then one of the item:
    • On the menu bar, select Tools > Serial Numbers.
    • To enter individual serial numbers for the item, in the Serial Number Entries Mode area, select Individual and enter the serial numbers.
To enter a range of serial numbers for the item, leave Range selected and enter the serial number range. The Range selection assumes that you are entering a consecutively numbered series beginning with the first serial number. For example, if you ship three and enter the serial number as 345, the series is 345, 346, and 347.
    • Click Done.