Setting up Categories in Oracle Inventory

A category is a logical classification of items that have similar characteristics.  Grouping the items into item categories helps in running various reports and programs. A category set is a distinct grouping scheme and consists of categories. 

Item Category is a mandatory Key Flexfield for Oracle applications.  You must set up the flexfield with at least one category as the default Item Category.

Value Sets, Values, and Item Category Key Flexfield Segments and Structures must be set up prior to setting up Categories and Category Sets.

1.0      Define Categories

Select a flexfield structure, enter the category values for each structure segment, and a description for the category.  You can define an unlimited number of categories and group subsets of your categories into category sets.  A category can belong to multiple category sets.

2.0      Define Category Set

Create a new Category Set, or query up a Category Set for your Flexfield structure. You can assign a category to a category set either at the time you define a category set or at the time you assign an item to the category.  The flexibility of category sets allows you to report and inquire on items in a way that best suits your needs.

Ensure that you have a default category.

3.0      Define Default Category Sets

When inventory is installed, a default category set must be assigned to each of the functional areas (Inventory, Purchasing, Order Entry, Costing, Engineering, and Planning).  When an item is enabled for a functional area, it is assigned the default category set.  You cannot delete the items default category set assignment.   has defined one category set, Inventory, to be the default category set for all functional areas.  If you disable the  category set, you will impact this form and you must create new category sets to assign as the default to each functional area.

4.0     Assign items to Category Sets

You can assign items to a Category Set(s) on the Category Sets form, or the Item, Master Item form.