Oracle Purchasing Important Queries

--Purchase Order, Requisition and Receipt Details Query

SELECT prh.segment1 requisition_number,
       prl.line_num requisition_line_num,
       ph.segment1 po_num,
       pl.line_num po_line_num,
       rsh.receipt_num receipt_num,
       rsl.line_num receipt_line_num,

       hl.description ship_to_location,
       rsl.line_num receipt_line_num,
       pd.code_combination_id charge_acct_id,
       prd.distribution_id requisition_distribution_id,
       pd.req_distribution_id req_distribution_id,
  FROM rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
       rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
       po_headers ph,
       po_lines pl,
       po_line_locations pll,
       po_distributions pd,
       po_req_distributions_all prd,
       po_requisition_lines_all prl,
       po_requisition_headers prh,
       hr_locations_all hl
 WHERE     rsl.PO_HEADER_ID = 123456
       AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
       AND ph.po_header_id = rsl.po_header_id
       AND ph.po_header_id = pl.po_header_id
       AND rsl.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id
       AND pl.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
       AND rsl.po_line_location_id = pll.line_location_id
       AND pd.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id
       AND pd.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
       AND pd.line_location_id = pll.line_location_id
       AND prd.distribution_id(+) = pd.req_distribution_id
       AND prl.requisition_line_id(+) = prd.requisition_line_id
       AND prh.requisition_header_id(+) = prl.requisition_header_id
       AND hl.location_id = pll.ship_to_location_id;

-- Approval Groups Query

SELECT pcr.amount_limit
  FROM fnd_user fur,
       per_assignments_x pax,
       per_jobs pjs,
       po_control_rules pcr,
       hr_operating_units hou
 WHERE     fur.user_id = fnd_global.user_id
       AND pax.person_id = fur.employee_id
       AND pax.primary_flag = 'Y'
       AND pjs.job_id = pax.job_id
       AND ppc.job_id = pjs.job_id
       AND ppc.org_id = hou.organization_id
       AND ppc.control_function_id = pcf.control_function_id
       AND pcr.control_group_id = ppc.control_group_id
       AND UPPER (pcr.object_code) = 'DOCUMENT_TOTAL'
       AND UPPER (pcf.control_function_name) =

-- Purchase Order and Receipts associated with a Payables Invoice Query
SELECT aia.invoice_num Invoice_number,
       NVL (pha.segment1, '100') PO_number,
       NVL (rsl.shipment_line_id, 1000) Shipment_line_id
  FROM ap_invoices_all AIA,
       ap_invoice_lines_all AILA,
       ap_invoice_distributions_all AIDA,
       po_headers_all PHA,
       po_lines_all PLA,
       po_line_locations_all PLLA,
       po_distributions_all PDA,
       rcv_shipment_lines RSL,
       rcv_transactions RT
 WHERE     AIA.invoice_id = AILA.invoice_id
       AND AIA.invoice_id = AIDA.invoice_id
       AND AIDA.line_type_lookup_code IN ('ACCRUAL', 'ITEM')
       AND AILA.line_type_lookup_code = ('ITEM')
       AND AILA.line_number = AIDA.invoice_line_number
       AND AILA.po_distribution_id = PDA.po_distribution_id(+)
       AND AILA.po_line_location_id = PLLA.line_location_id(+)
       AND AILA.po_line_id = PLA.po_line_id(+)
       AND AILA.po_header_id = PHA.po_header_id(+)
       AND AILA.rcv_transaction_id = RT.transaction_id(+)
       AND AILA.rcv_shipment_line_id = RSL.shipment_line_id(+)
       AND AIA.invoice_num IN ('INV345201', 'TESTINV5301');

-- Invoice Accounting Data Query
SELECT AIDA.invoice_distribution_id "Invoice Distribution ID", "Ledger",
       AIA.gl_date "GL Date",
       XDL.rounding_class_code "Accounting Class",
       XDL.unrounded_entered_dr "Accounted DR",
       XDL.unrounded_entered_cr "Accounted CR",
       || '.'
       || GCC.SEGMENT2
       || '.'
       || GCC.SEGMENT3
       || '.'
       || GCC.SEGMENT4
       || '.'
       || GCC.SEGMENT5
  FROM xla_distribution_links XDL,
       xla_ae_lines XAL,
       gl_code_combinations GCC,
       ap_invoices_all AIA,
       ap_invoice_distributions_all AIDA,
       gl_sets_of_books GSOB
 WHERE     AIA.invoice_id = AIDA.invoice_id
       AND AIDA.invoice_distribution_id = XDL.source_distribution_id_num_1
       AND XDL.ae_header_id = XAL.ae_header_id
       AND XDL.ae_line_num = XAL.ae_line_num
       AND XAL.code_combination_id = GCC.code_combination_id
       AND GSOB.set_of_books_id = AIA.set_of_books_id
       AND AIA.invoice_num = 'INV345201'
       AND XDL.source_distribution_type = 'AP_INV_DIST';

-- Check numbers for an Invoice Query
SELECT aia.invoice_num “Invoice_Number”,
       aca.check_number “Check_Number”
  FROM ap_invoices_all AIA,
       ap_checks_all ACA,
       ap_invoice_payments_all AIP,
       iby_payments_all IPA
 WHERE     AIA.invoice_id = AIP.invoice_id
       AND ACA.check_id = AIP.check_id
       AND ACA.payment_id = IPA.payment_id
       AND AIA.invoice_num = 'TESTINV6234';

-- Supplier Details Query
SELECT ASP.vendor_name "Supplier Name",
       ASSA.vendor_site_code "Supplier Site Code",
       ASSA.address_line1 "Address Line 1", "City",
       ASSA.state "State",
       ASSA.county "County", "Country",
       ASCA.vendor_contact_id "Vendor Contact Id",
       HP_OBJECT.person_first_name "Contact First Name",
       HP_OBJECT.person_middle_name "Contact Middle Name",
       HP_OBJECT.person_last_name "Contact Last Name",
       HP_PARTY.email_address "Contact Email Address"
  FROM ap_suppliers ASP,
       ap_supplier_sites_all ASSA,
       ap_supplier_contacts ASCA,
       hz_parties HP_OBJECT,
       hz_parties HP_PARTY,
       hz_relationships HR
 WHERE     ASP.vendor_id = ASSA.vendor_id
       AND ASP.party_id = HR.subject_id
       AND HR.relationship_id = ASCA.relationship_id
       AND HR.object_id = HP_OBJECT.party_id
       AND HR.party_id = HP_PARTY.party_id
       AND HR.relationship_code = 'CONTACT'
       AND ASP.vendor_name = 'Test Supplier 123';

-- Supplier Bank Information Query
SELECT DECODE (IEPA.supplier_site_id, NULL, 'Supplier', 'Supplier Site')
       ASP.vendor_name "Vendor Name",
       ASSA.vendor_site_code "Vendor Site Code",
       HOP_BANK.organization_name "Bank Name",
       HOP_BANK.bank_or_branch_number "Bank Number",
       HOP_BRANCH.organization_name "Branch Name",
       HOP_BRANCH.bank_or_branch_number "Branch Number",
       IEBA.bank_account_name "Bank Account Name",
       IEBA.bank_account_num "Bank Account Number"
  FROM ap_suppliers ASP,
       ap_supplier_sites_all ASSA,
       hz_party_sites HPS,
       hz_organization_profiles HOP_BANK,
       hz_organization_profiles HOP_BRANCH,
       iby_external_payees_all IEPA,
       iby_pmt_instr_uses_all IPIUA,
       iby_ext_bank_accounts IEBA
 WHERE     IEPA.ext_payee_id = IPIUA.ext_pmt_party_id
       AND IPIUA.instrument_id = IEBA.ext_bank_account_id
       AND IEBA.bank_id = HOP_BANK.party_id
       AND IEBA.branch_id = HOP_BRANCH.party_id
       AND ASP.party_id = IEPA.payee_party_id
       AND ASP.vendor_id = ASSA.vendor_id
       AND ASSA.vendor_site_id =
              NVL (IEPA.supplier_site_id, ASSA.vendor_site_id)
       AND ASSA.party_site_id = HPS.party_site_id
       AND ipiua.payment_flow = 'DISBURSEMENTS'
       AND ASP.vendor_name = 'Test Supplier 123';

-- Internal Bank Details Query
SELECT CBA.bank_account_name “Bank_Account_Name”,
       CBA.bank_account_num “Bank_Account_Number”,
       HOP_BANK.organization_name "Bank_name",
       HOP_BANK.bank_or_branch_number "Bank_Number",
       HOP_BRANCH.bank_or_branch_number "Branch_Number"
  FROM ce_bank_accounts CBA,
       hz_organization_profiles HOP_BANK,
       hz_organization_profiles HOP_BRANCH
 WHERE     CBA.bank_account_name = 'BAN-1234'
       AND CBA.bank_id = HOP_BANK.PARTY_ID
       AND CBA.bank_branch_id = HOP_BRANCH.party_id;

-- Payment Documents and Formats associated with an Internal Bank Account Query
SELECT CBA.bank_account_num,
  FROM ce_bank_accounts CBA,
       ce_payment_documents CPD,
       iby_formats_tl IFT,
       iby_formats_b IFB
 WHERE     CBA.bank_account_id = CPD.internal_bank_account_id
       AND CPD.format_code = IFT.format_code
       AND IFT.format_code = IFB.format_code
       AND IFT.language = USERENV ('LANG')
       AND IFT.source_lang = USERENV ('LANG')
       AND CBA.bank_account_name = 'BofA-204';