Customizing Oracle Applications with the CUSTOM Library - custom.pll

Customizing Oracle Applications with the CUSTOM Library

The CUSTOM library allows extension of Oracle Applications without modification of
Oracle Applications code. You can use the CUSTOM library for customizations such as Zoom (such as moving to another form and querying up specific records), enforcing business rules (for example, vendor name must be in uppercase letters), and disabling fields that do not apply for your site.
You write code in the CUSTOM library, within the procedure shells that are provided.
All logic must branch based on the form and block for which you want it to run. Oracle Applications sends events to the CUSTOM library. Your custom code can take effect based on these events.
Important: The CUSTOM library is provided for the exclusive use of Oracle Applications customers. The Oracle Applications products do not supply any predefined logic in the CUSTOM library other than the procedure shells described here.

Writing Code for the CUSTOM Library

The CUSTOM library is an Oracle Forms Developer PL/SQL library. It allows you to take full advantage of all the capabilities of Oracle Forms Developer, and integrate your code directly with Oracle Applications without making changes to Oracle Applications code.
The as-shipped CUSTOM library is located in the AU_TOP/resource directory (or platform equivalent). Place the CUSTOM library you modify in the AU_TOP/resource directory in order for your code to take effect.
After you write code in the CUSTOM procedures, compile and generate the library using Oracle Forms. Then place this library into $AU_TOP/resource directory (or platform equivalent). Subsequent invocations of Oracle Applications will then run this new code.
Warning: If there is a .plx (compiled code only) for a library, Oracle Forms Developer always uses the .plx over the .pll. Therefore, either delete the .plx file (so your code runs directly from the .pll file) or create your own .plx file using the Oracle Forms compiler. Using the .plx file will provide better preformance than using the .pll file. Depending on your operating system, a .plx may not be created when you compile and save using the Oracle Forms Developer. Form Builder. In this case, you must generate the library using the Oracle Forms Developer compiler from the command line (using the parameter COMPILE_ALL set to Yes).
The specification of the CUSTOM package in the CUSTOM library cannot be changed in any way. You may add your own packages to the CUSTOM library, but any packages you add to this library must be sequenced after the CUSTOM package. To ensure that your packages remain sequenced after the CUSTOM package even after a conversion from a .pld file, when program units are alphabetized, we recommend you name your packages with characters that come after C (for example, we recommend you name your own packages with names that begin with USER_).
Note: Custom packages must explicitly indicate 'AUTHID DEFINER' in the package header. Even though 'AUTHID DEFINER' is the default, it must be specified in a custom package header.
Coding Considerations and Restrictions
Be aware of the open form environment in which Oracle Applications operate. Also, each running form has its own database connection.
The following considerations and restrictions apply to the CUSTOM library and any libraries you attach to CUSTOM:
       You cannot use any SQL in the library. However, you can use a record group to issue SELECT statements, and you can use calls to stored procedures for any other DML operations such as updates, inserts, or deletes.
       Oracle Forms global variables in your code are visible to all running forms.
Attaching Other Libraries to the CUSTOM Library
You may attach other libraries to the CUSTOM library. However, you cannot attach the
APPCORE library to CUSTOM because it would cause a recursion problem (because
CUSTOM is attached to APPCORE). You may attach the APPCORE2 library to CUSTOM. The APPCORE2 library duplicates most APPCORE routines with the following packages:
These packages contain the same routines as the corresponding APPCORE packages. Follow the documentation for the corresponding APPCORE routines, but add a 2 to the package names. For example, where you would have a call to the APPCORE routine APP_ITEM_PROPERTY.SET_PROPERTY in a form, you can have a corresponding call to the APPCORE2 routine APP_ITEM_PROPERTY2.SET_PROPERTY in the CUSTOM library.
The CUSTOM library comes with the FNDSQF library already attached. FNDSQF provides Oracle Applications routines for function security (for opening forms), flexfields, and other utility routines.
Altering Oracle Applications Code
Frequently you need to know the names of blocks and items within Oracle Applications forms for your CUSTOM logic. You should use the Examine feature available on the Help->Diagnostics menu while running the form of interest; it will give you easy access to all object names. You should not open Oracle Applications forms in the Oracle Forms Developer to learn this information.
You should exercise caution when changing any properties or values of items in the form from which CUSTOM logic is invoked. The CUSTOM library is intended to be a mechanism to augment Oracle code with your own. Using the CUSTOM library to alter Oracle code at runtime may bypass important validation logic and may jeopardize the integrity of your data. You should thoroughly test all logic you add to the CUSTOM library before using it in a production environment.
Following Coding Standards in the CUSTOM library
Within the CUSTOM library, you are free to write almost any code supported by Oracle Forms Developer, so long as you follow all Oracle Applications coding standards.
Where you would normally use Oracle Applications routines in the APPCORE library, you should use the corresponding routine in the APPCORE2 library (which you would attach to your copy of the CUSTOM library).
If you use Zoom or the CUSTOM library to invoke forms that you have developed, those forms must adhere completely to all of the Oracle Applications coding standards.
Important: To invoke another form, use the function security routines in the FND_FUNCTION package. Do not use the CALL_FORM built-in since the Oracle Applications libraries do not support it.

Events Passed to the CUSTOM Library

The CUSTOM library receives two different kind of events, generic and product-specific. Generic events are common to all the forms in Oracle Applications. These events are:
       SPECIALn (where n is a number between 1 and 45)
       KEY-Fn (where n is a number between 1 and 8)
Logic you code for WHEN-FORM-NAVIGATE, WHEN-NEW- BLOCK-INSTANCE, WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE, or WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE fires after any existing logic in those triggers for the form, block or item.
Logic you code for WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE fires during the call to APP_STANDARD.EVENT. That call may be anywhere within existing WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE logic in the form.
Logic you code for WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD fires during the call to
APP_STANDARD.EVENT or FND_FLEX.EVENT. One of those calls may be within existing WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD logic in the form or block, depending on how the form was originally coded.
Logic you code for SPECIALn, where n is a number, fires before any logic in the existing SPECIALn trigger (if there is one).
The ZOOM event occurs when the user invokes Zoom from the menu (View->Zoom) or the toolbar. The EXPORT event occurs after an export operation is complete (File->Export).
Logic you code for KEY-Fn events, where n is a number between 1 and 8, fires when the user presses the corresponding function key or key combination. Use the
Help->Keyboard menu choice to determine the actual key combination corresponding to the appropriate function (F1-F8). Oracle Applications does not currently provide any logic associated with these KEY-Fn events.
The CUSTOM library also receives some product-specific events associated with the business rules of that product (for example, the NAVIGATE event in Oracle Human Resources). Please refer to the Open Interfaces Manual for your Oracle Applications product to see what product-specific events, if any, are passed to CUSTOM.

When to Use the CUSTOM Library

There are several main cases for which you can code logic using the CUSTOM library. Each of these cases must be coded differently.
       Zoom - The addition of user-invoked logic on a per-block basis. A Zoom typically consists of opening another form and (optionally) passing parameter values to the opened form through the Zoom logic.
       Logic for generic events - Augment Oracle Applications logic for certain generic form events such as WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE or
WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD. You can use generic events to change field prompts and other properties, hide fields, add validation, and more.
       Logic for product-specific events - Augment or replace Oracle Applications logic for certain product-specific events that enforce business rules.
       Setting visual attributes - Use the CUSTOM library to change the visual attributes of
Oracle Applications fields at runtime. Use the Oracle Forms built-in
SET_VA_PROPERTY to set the properties of the CUSTOM1-CUSTOM5 visual attributes, and then use APP_ITEM_PROPERTY2.SET_PROPERTY to apply the visual attribute to an item at runtime.

Coding Zoom

Zoom allows the addition of user-invoked logic on a per-block basis. For example, you may want to allow access to the Vendors form from within the Enter Purchase Order form while the user is in the PO Header block of that form. You can enable Zoom for just that block, and when the user invokes it, you can open the Vendors form.
Only Oracle Applications customers use the Zoom feature; Oracle Applications products do not ship any predefined Zoom logic.
Zoom behaves as follows:
       Oracle Applications provides a menu entry and a button on the toolbar for the user to invoke Zoom when available. The button and the menu entry are disabled unless Zoom logic has been defined in the CUSTOM library for that form and block.
       Whenever the cursor changes blocks in the form, the form calls the
ZOOM_AVAILABLE function in the CUSTOM library. If this function returns
TRUE, then the Zoom entries on the menu and toolbar are enabled; if it returns FALSE, then they are disabled.
       If the Zoom entries are enabled, then when the user invokes Zoom the form calls the ZOOM event code in the CUSTOM library. You write code for this event that branches based on the current form and block.
To code Zooms into the CUSTOM library
Follow these steps to code Zooms into the CUSTOM library:
1.      Add a branch to the CUSTOM.ZOOM_AVAILABLE function that specifies the form and block where you want a user to be able to invoke Zoom.
2.      Add a branch to the CUSTOM.EVENT procedure for the ZOOM event.
Inside that branch, specify the form and block where you want a user to be able to invoke Zoom. Add the logic you want to occur when the user invokes Zoom.
Supporting Multiple Zoom Events for a Block
Oracle Applications provides a referenced list of values (LOV) and corresponding referenced parameter for Zooms in all forms built using the TEMPLATE form (including custom forms). They are the following:
       List of values: APPCORE_ZOOM
       Parameter: APPCORE_ZOOM_VALUE
Use the LOV and parameter to provide users with an LOV where you have more than one Zoom from a particular block.
To code the Zoom LOV into the CUSTOM library:
In the CUSTOM library (within your ZOOM event code):
1.      Create a record group and populate it with names and values of available Zooms for the block.
2.      Attach the record group to the APPCORE_ZOOM list of values (LOV).
3.      Call show_lov to display the LOV to the user.
4.      If user picks a Zoom, the value is returned into the APPCORE_ZOOM_VALUE parameter in the form.
5.      Retrieve the parameter value and branch your Zoom code accordingly.
Example Code
The following example sets up a Zoom LOV that contains three choices.
procedure event(event_name varchar2) is form_name      varchar2(30) :=
    block_name     varchar2(30) :=                    name_in('system.cursor_block'); 
    zoom_value varchar2(30);     group_id recordgroup;     col_id   groupcolumn; begin IF (event_name = 'ZOOM') then    if (form_name = 'FNDSCAUS' and               block_name = 'USER') then
      -- set up the record group       group_id := find_group('my_zooms');       if id_null(group_id) then         group_id := create_group('my_zooms');         col_id := add_group_column(group_id,                     'NAME', char_column, 30);         col_id := add_group_column(group_id,                     'VALUE', char_column, 30);         set_lov_property('APPCORE_ZOOM',
                     GROUP_NAME, 'my_zooms');
        Delete_Group_Row( group_id, ALL_ROWS );       end if;
Add_Group_Row( group_id, 1);
      Set_Group_Char_Cell('my_zooms.NAME', 1,
                   'Personal Profiles Form');
      Set_Group_Char_Cell('my_zooms.VALUE', 1, 'FNDPOMSV');
Add_Group_Row( group_id, 2);
      Set_Group_Char_Cell('my_zooms.NAME', 2,
                   'System Profiles Form');
      Set_Group_Char_Cell('my_zooms.VALUE', 2, 'FNDPOMPV'); Add_Group_Row( group_id, 3);
      Set_Group_Char_Cell('my_zooms.NAME', 3,
                   'Responsibilities Form');
      Set_Group_Char_Cell('my_zooms.VALUE', 3, 'FNDSCRSP');
      -- test the LOV results and open different forms
      if show_lov('APPCORE_ZOOM') then         zoom_value := name_in(                   'parameter.APPCORE_ZOOM_VALUE');
        if zoom_value = 'FNDPOMPV' then           fnd_function.execute(
                   SESSION_FLAG=>'Y');         elsif zoom_value = 'FNDSCRSP' then
                   SESSION_FLAG=>'Y');         elsif zoom_value = 'FNDPOMSV' then
        end if;       end if;
end if;  -- end of form branches within Zoom event branch
END IF;   -- end of branches on EVENT_NAME
end event; ----------------------------------------------------------

Coding Generic Form Events

You can code logic that fires for a particular form and block at a particular form event. You can code logic for the following events:
       SPECIALn (where n is a number between 1 and 45)
       KEY-Fn (where n is a number between 1 and 8)
Some Oracle Applications forms, such as most Oracle Human Resources forms, may provide additional events that call the CUSTOM library. These additional events are listed in the documentation for the product that owns the form. You can code logic in the CUSTOM library for such events the same way you would code logic for generic form events.
To code logic for generic form events into the CUSTOM library:
Add a branch to the CUSTOM.EVENT procedure for the particular event you want. I nside that branch, specify the form and block where you want your logic to occur. Add the logic you want to occur when that event fires for the form and block you specify.
Example Code
The following example changes various field properties and prompts. This example also sets up and applies a custom visual attribute (CUSTOM1), and prevents inserts and updates to a block. procedure event(event_name varchar2) is
form_name      varchar2(30) :=
    block_name     varchar2(30) :=
                   name_in('system.cursor_block');  begin if (event_name = 'WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE') then if (form_name = 'FNDSCAUS') then
      -- Hide the Fax field, force the E-mail
      -- field to be uppercase,
      -- make the description field required,
      -- change the person field
      -- color to magenta, change the Supplier       -- field prompt.
             DISPLAYED, PROPERTY_OFF);       app_item_property2.set_property(
             BACKGROUND_COLOR, 'r255g0b255');       app_item_property2.set_property(
             PROMPT_TEXT, 'Vendor Name');
-      -- Set up CUSTOM1 visual attribute as bright yellow.
      set_va_property('CUSTOM1', BACKGROUND_COLOR,

-- apply CUSTOM1 visual attribute to fields
      -- (color will override
      -- gray of disabled fields, but will not
      -- override pale yellow
      -- of required fields)
             VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE, 'CUSTOM1');
      app_item_property2.set_property('user.email_address',              VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE, 'CUSTOM1');
ELSIF (event_name = 'WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE') then
    IF (form_name = 'FNDSCAUS' and           block_name = 'USER_RESP') THEN 
      -- prevent users from adding
      -- responsibilities
      set_block_property(block_name, insert_allowed,
      set_block_property(block_name, update_allowed,
                property_false);     END IF;
END IF;   -- end of branches on EVENT_NAME
end event; ----------------------------------------------------------

Coding Product-Specific Events

Please refer to the Open Interfaces Manual or User's Guide for your Oracle Applications product to see what product-specific events, if any, are passed to CUSTOM. For product-specific events passed by Oracle Application Object Library, see: Product-Specific Events in Oracle Application Object Library, page 28-11.
To code logic for product-specific events into the CUSTOM library:
1.      Add a branch to the CUSTOM.EVENT procedure for the particular product– specific event you want.
Within that branch, add logic for that specific business function
2.      If custom execution styles are supported for this product–specific event (many product–specific events do not support custom execution styles), add a branch to the CUSTOM.STYLE function that specifies the execution style (before, after, override, or standard) you want for your product–specific event logic. You can only specify one of the styles supported for that particular product–specific event.

Support and Upgrading

To manage your customizations and handle upgrade considerations follow these guidelines:
Trouble with Forms Operating with the CUSTOM Library
If a form is operating incorrectly, and you have coded CUSTOM library or Zoom logic
for it, use the menu to disable the CUSTOM library code temporarily
(Help->Diagnostics->Custom Code->Off) so you can determine whether the problem comes from the customizations or Oracle Applications code.
An Oracle Applications upgrade will typically create a new directory structure that includes the default (as-shipped) version of the CUSTOM library, so you must keep a backup copy of CUSTOM with the changes you make. Place your custom version of the CUSTOM library in the new AU_TOP/resource directory after the upgrade. You may need to upgrade and/or regenerate the CUSTOM.plx file as part of the upgrade.
An Oracle Applications patch will never include a new CUSTOM library.
Remember, form and block names may change after an upgrade or patch to Oracle Applications. You should test any custom logic that you have defined to confirm that it still operates as intended before using it in a production environment.

Product-Specific Events in Oracle Application Object Library

Oracle Application Object Library provides product-specific events that you can access using the CUSTOM library.


Use the WHEN-LOGON-CHANGED event to incorporate custom validation or auditing that fires immediately after a user uses the "File->Log On as a Different User" choice on the default menu to log on as a different user (after the user has signed on as the new user and pressed the Connect button or the Return key). This routine is applicable only to Oracle Forms Developer-based forms. This routine is not applicable to HTML- or Java-based forms (Oracle Self-Service Web Applications).
You can access the new user name and other profile values using the
FND_PROFILE.GET procedure. You cannot access the username or information from the signon session the user was leaving.
If for some reason your code raises form_trigger_failure for this event, the user would be returned to the signon screen as if the user had typed an incorrect username or password.
This product-specific event does not support custom execution styles.
See: Implementing User Profiles, page 13-3


Use the WHEN-RESPONSIBILITY-CHANGED event to incorporate custom validation or auditing that fires immediately after a user uses the "File->Switch Responsibility" choice on the default menu to switch responsibilities. This routine is applicable only to Oracle Forms Developer-based forms. This routine is not applicable to HTML- or Java-based forms (Oracle Self-Service Web Applications).
You can access the new responsibility name and other profile values using the FND_PROFILE.GET procedure. You cannot access the responsibility or information from the responsibility session the user was leaving.
If for some reason your code raises form_trigger_failure for this event, the user would be returned to the responsibility list of values as if the user had chosen an invalid responsibility.
This product-specific event does not support custom execution styles.
See: Implementing User Profiles, page 13-3

CUSTOM Package

The CUSTOM package contains the following functions and procedure:


function custom.zoom_available return BOOLEAN;
If Zoom is available for this block, then return TRUE; otherwise return FALSE. Always test for the form and block name. Refer to the SYSTEM variables for form name and block name in your code and branch accordingly. The module name of your form must match the form file name.
By default this routine must return FALSE.
Example Code
The following example enables Zooms in the following places:
Form: FNDSCAUS, Block USER and
  form_name  VARCHAR2(30) := NAME_IN('system.current_form');   block_name VARCHAR2(30) := NAME_IN('system.cursor_block');
  IF (form_name = 'FNDSCAUS' AND block_name = 'USER') OR
     (form_name = 'FNDCPMCP' AND block_name = 'PROCESS')THEN
  END IF;  
END zoom_available;


function varchar2)
return integer;
This function allows you to determine the execution style
for a product–specific event if custom execution styles are supported for that product–specific event (many product– specific events do not support custom execution styles).
You can choose to have your code execute before, after, or in place of the code provided in Oracle Applications. See the User's Guide for your Oracle Applications product for a list of events that are available through this interface. Note that some product-specific events may not support all execution styles. CUSTOM.STYLE does not affect generic form events or Zoom.
Any event that returns a style other than custom.standard must have corresponding code in custom.event which will be executed at the time specified.
The following package variables should be used as return values:
By default this routine must return custom.standard (which means that there is no custom execution style code).
Important: Oracle reserves the right to pass additional values for event_name to this routine, so all code must be written to branch on the specific event_name passed.
Example Code
The following example sets up the MY_PRICING_EVENT event to have the Override execution style.
    if event_name = 'MY_PRICING_EVENT' then 
      return custom.override; 
      return custom.standard; 
    end if;    end style;


Important: Oracle reserves the right to pass additional values for event_name to this routine, so all code must be written to branch on the specific event_name passed.
procedure custom.event(event_name varchar2);
This procedure allows you to execute your code at specific events. Always test for event name, then for form and block name within that event. Refer to the SYSTEM variables for form name and block name in your code and branch accordingly. The module name of your form must match the form file name.
By default, this routine must perform "null;".
Example Code
The following example contains logic for a Zoom, a product-specific event, and a generic form event.
The Zoom event opens a new session of a form and passes parameter values to the new session. The parameters already exist in the form being opened, and the form function has already been defined and added to the menu (without a prompt, so it does not appear in the Navigator). procedure event(event_name varchar2) is 
    form_name      varchar2(30) := name_in('system.current_form');     block_name     varchar2(30) := name_in('system.cursor_block');
    param_to_pass1 varchar2(255);      param_to_pass2 varchar2(255); 
if (event_name = 'ZOOM') then   
      if (form_name = 'DEMXXEOR' and block_name = 'ORDERS') then         /* The Zoom event opens a new session of a form and          passes parameter values to the new session.  The         parameters already exist in the form being opened:*/         param_to_pass1 := name_in('ORDERS.order_id');          param_to_pass2 := name_in('ORDERS.customer_name');          fnd_function.execute(FUNCTION_NAME=>'DEM_DEMXXEOR',  
                             OTHER_PARAMS=>'ORDER_ID="'||                              param_to_pass1|| 
                             '" CUSTOMER_NAME="'||                              param_to_pass2||'"'); 
         /* all the extra single and double quotes account for          any spaces that might be in the passed values */       end if; 
elsif (event_name = 'MY_PRICING_EVENT') then 
       /*For the product-specific event MY_PRICING_EVENT, call a
         custom pricing routine */
      get_custom_pricing('ORDERS.item_id', 'ORDERS.price'); 
elsif (event_name = 'WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD') then
      if (form_name = 'APXVENDR' and block_name = 'VENDOR') then         /* In the WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD event, force the value of            a Vendor Name field to be in uppercase letters */         copy(upper(name_in('VENDOR.NAME')), 'VENDOR.NAME');       end if;
else        null;      end if;    end event;  end custom;
Always use FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE to open a new session of a form. Do not use
CALL_FORM or OPEN_FORM. The form function must already be defined with Oracle Application Object Library and added to the menu (without a prompt, if you do not want it to appear in the Navigator).

Example of Implementing Zoom Using the CUSTOM Library

Here is an example of a simple customization you can do with the Zoom feature (in the CUSTOM library).
Note: This Zoom demo/example is based on the training class form DEMXXEOR used in the class "Extend Oracle Applications" (available through Oracle University).
The DEMXXEOR form is a very simple form for entering orders. In this example, we add two parameters (ORDER_ID and CUSTOMER_NAME) to the form that can be accepted from Zoom upon form startup. The form then fires an automatic query based on the parameters if one of the parameters has a value.
For the Zoom itself, we make Zoom available from the first block of the same form. The user can have a value in one or both of the Order Number and Customer Name fields. When the user clicks on the Zoom button, Zoom opens another session of the same form and automatically queries up any existing orders fitting the criteria.
Once you understand how this Zoom works and is implemented, you should be able to take the same approach with other forms (not necessarily zooming to another session of the same form).

Modify the Form

Using the Oracle Forms Designer, modify the Demo Orders form (DEMXXEOR.fmb) so it is able to receive parameter(s) from the Zoom code.
Note: The DEMXXEOR form used in the class "Extend Oracle Applications" already has these modifications.
1.      Create parameter ORDER_ID (Char, size 255, no default value).
2.      Create parameter CUSTOMER_NAME (Char, size 255, no default value).
In theory, the parameter should match both the field the value comes from and the field it goes to, but it depends on the purpose of the parameter. In this case, having Char instead of number allows wildcards for the automatic query, as does having the parameter longer than the actual field (standard query length for most items is 255, and these parameters will only be used for queries).
3.      Modify the default WHERE clause of the target block (ORDERS) to use parameter values as query criteria if they are not null:
WHERE (:parameter.order_id is null or
  dem_orders_v.order_id like :parameter.order_id)
 AND (:parameter.customer_name is null or
  dem_orders_v.customer_name like :parameter.customer_name)
4.      In the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger, add to the end of the existing code:
/* fire automatic query if a parameter has a value from Zoom */
 if (:parameter.order_id is not null) or
    (:parameter.customer_name is not null) then
   GO_BLOCK('ORDERS');    do_key('EXECUTE_QUERY');
/* clear the parameters after the query so they don't remain
  criteria for future queries */    :parameter.order_id := null;
   :parameter.customer_name := null;
 end if;
5.      Compile and generate the form, and put the .fmx file in the appropriate directory (assumes you have a custom application set up from the class).
6.      Register the form, define a function for it (DEM_DEMXXEOR), and put the form function on a menu so you can access it. Verify that the form works properly from the Navigator before you modify the CUSTOM library.

Modify the CUSTOM Library

Follow these steps for modifying the CUSTOM library.
1.      Open CUSTOM.pll in Oracle Forms Developer.
2.      Modify the text of the CUSTOM package body as follows (the CUSTOM library comes with extensive comments that explain each section. You modify the actual code sections):
  -- Customize this package to provide specific responses to   -- events within Oracle Applications forms.
  -- Do not change the specification of the CUSTOM package   -- in any way.
  function zoom_available return BOOLEAN is
  -- This function allows you to specify if zooms exist for the
  -- current context. If zooms are available for this block, then   -- return TRUE; else return FALSE.
  -- This routine is called on a per-block basis within every
  -- Applications form. Therefore, any code that will enable
  -- Zoom must test the current   -- form and block from which the call is being made.
  -- By default this routine must return FALSE.
        form_name  varchar2(30) := name_in('system.current_form');         block_name varchar2(30) := name_in('system.cursor_block');
        if (form_name = 'DEMXXEOR' and block_name = 'ORDERS') then
          return TRUE;         else           return FALSE;         end if;
  end zoom_available;
  --------------------------------------------------------------  function style(event_name varchar2) return integer is
  --  This Zoom example does not do anything to the STYLE function
    return custom.standard;
  end style;
  procedure event(event_name varchar2) is
  -- This procedure allows you to execute your code at specific
  -- events. 'ZOOM' or product-specific events will be passed
  -- in event_name. See the Applications Technical Reference
  -- manuals for a list of events that are available through
  -- this interface.
        form_name  varchar2(30) := name_in('system.current_form');         block_name varchar2(30) := name_in('system.cursor_block');
        param_to_pass1 varchar2(255);         param_to_pass2 varchar2(255); BEGIN if (event_name = 'ZOOM') then  if (form_name = 'DEMXXEOR' and block_name = 'ORDERS')
            param_to_pass1 := name_in('ORDERS.order_id');             param_to_pass2 := name_in('ORDERS.customer_name');
/* use fnd_function.execute instead of open_form */
                                '" CUSTOMER_NAME="'||                                 param_to_pass2||'"');   /* all the extra single and double quotes account for      any spaces that might be in the passed values */ end if; else           null;         end if;   end event;
END custom;
3.      Compile All and save your changes. Exit from Oracle Forms Developer.
4.      Use the Oracle Forms Compiler program to generate a new .plx file for the CUSTOM library.
5.      Verify that your file generated successfully. If you leave out the pathname for the output file, the file will be generated in c:\orawin\bin (or platform equivalent). Move it to AU_TOP/resource.
6.      Make sure that the function you call in your Zoom (DEM_DEMXXEOR) is somewhere on the menu in your responsibility. It does not need to be accessible from the menu in the Navigator (do this by adding it to the menu but leaving the prompt blank). Otherwise, the Zoom button will be enabled but the user will get a message saying that function is not available.

7.                 Try it out from the Oracle Applications Navigator.