To create a tab canvas:
In the Object Navigator, under the Canvases
node, double-click the object icon of the content canvas on which you wish to
create a tab canvas.
In the Layout Editor, click in the toolbar.
Click-drag the region where you want to place
the tab canvas. Oracle Forms creates a tab canvas (with two tab pages), and
gives it a default name, such as CANVAS6.
In the Object Navigator, under the Canvases
node, click the tab canvas' object icon, then choose Tools | Property Palette
to display the Property Palette.
Under the Viewport node: Set the Viewport X/Y
Position on Canvas properties. (Enter X,Y display coordinates of the view's
upper-left corner, relative to the upper-left corner of the content canvas
currently displayed in the window. 0,0 (the default) displays the tab canvas at
the upper-left corner of the content canvas.) Set the Viewport Width/Height
properties. (Enter dimensions of the tab canvas' view. If the view is smaller
than the canvas, end users can scroll the canvas at runtime.)
Under the Physical node: Set the Visible
property to Yes (tab canvas will be visible when window is invoked), or No (tab
canvas remains hidden until displayed in response to navigation or programmatic
events). Set the Width/Height properties. (Enter dimensions of the canvas. Tab
canvases typically are smaller than the content canvas (es) in the same
Define the tab canvas' position in the stacking order.
If the tab canvas is not displayed programmatically or in response to navigation,
make sure that its position in the stacking order places it in front of the
content canvas assigned to the same window. If not, it will be shown behind the
content canvas, and will not be visible at runtime. Recall that the stacking
order of canvases in a window is defined by the sequence in which they are listed
under the Canvases node in the Object Navigator.