Oracle REF datatypes

REF is a datatype in Oracle. It establishes a column object as a pointer to data in another object table. The REF column itself does not hold the data. For example

CREATE TYPE dept_type AS OBJECT (deptname VARCHAR2(24), deptnumber NUMBER); 

CREATE TABLE dept_table OF dept_type; 

CREATE TABLE emp (empname VARCHAR2(50), empnumber NUMBER, empdept REF dept_type); 

In the relational table named emp, the column empdept is a REF column. It points to an object of type dept_type

Types versus tables
When a REF column is defined, it identifies an object type -- not a particular object table. It is possible for a database to contain more than one object table based on a single object type definition. Thus, the REF column definition itself does not identify the target table(s)

Pointer resolution
When the table holding the REF column is initialized, the values placed in the REF column will be pointers to rows in the specific table or tables that have the desired data. Later at runtime, when users look at the REF column, they will see the pointed-to data (not the pointers).

How Developer displays REFs at design time
At design time, when you ask to see a table that contains a REF column, the REF column displays in its expanded form. That is, it shows the attributes in the object type pointed to by the original REF definition.

In the above example, the empdept REF column would show as holding two components or attribute columns: deptname and deptnumber. These were the two attributes in the object type (dept_type) identified in the REF definition.
Just as with a regular column object, you can select any or all of the referred-to components/attribute columns to become data items in the application. However, in contrast to regular column objects, you can also select the REF name itself to become a manipulatable item within your application. That is, you can use the REF in your PL/SQL coding. By default, the REF becomes part of the null canvas

How you can display REF data to your users
As an application designer, you have a choice in how the runtime user will see the referenced data (the resolved REF):
·        data displayed in the data block in which the REF exists (sometimes called the look-up method)
·        data displayed in the data block pointed to by the REF (the master-detail method)

The first choice (displaying the data as part of the data block in which the REF exists) is the simplest. You select the desired REF components as items into your data block, and at runtime Developer and Oracle Database Server will resolve the references and place the actual referred-to data in the display items. The user need see only the one block.
The other choice (displaying the data in the pointed-to data block) requires setting up a master-detail link. This is very similar to setting up a master-detail link for two blocks having a primary-key foreign-key relationship. In this case, the REF creates the link between the two blocks. The user will see both blocks, but will see the REF data only in the referred-to block.

The Oracle Forms Data Block Wizard can be used to set up this master-detail relationship.