Script to find out the values of a profile option

It is sometimes hard to know where a profile option is set. A user might have a profile option set, an application, responsibility, and these might result in unexpected results. The following prompts for the profile name that a user sees. You could also query for the internal profile code instead by using the column profile_option_name instead.

SELECT   b.user_profile_option_name "Long Name",
               "Short Name",
         DECODE (
            TO_CHAR (c.level_id),
            '10001', 'Site',
            '10002', 'Application',
            '10003', 'Responsibility',
            '10004', 'User',
         ) "Level",
         DECODE (
            TO_CHAR (c.level_id),
            '10001', 'Site',
            '10002', NVL (h.application_short_name, TO_CHAR (c.level_value)),
            '10003', NVL (g.responsibility_name, TO_CHAR (c.level_value)),
            '10004', NVL (e.user_name, TO_CHAR (c.level_value)),
         ) "Level Value",
         c.profile_option_value "Profile Value",
               "Profile ID",
         TO_CHAR (c.last_update_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') "Updated Date",
         NVL (d.user_name, TO_CHAR (c.last_updated_by))
               "Updated By"
    FROM apps.fnd_profile_options a,
         apps.fnd_profile_options_vl b,
         apps.fnd_profile_option_values c,
         apps.fnd_user d,
         apps.fnd_user e,
         apps.fnd_responsibility_vl g,
         apps.fnd_application h
   WHERE b.user_profile_option_name LIKE '&ProfileName'
     AND a.profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
     AND a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
     AND a.application_id = c.application_id
     AND c.last_updated_by = d.user_id(+)
     AND c.level_value = e.user_id(+)
     AND c.level_value = g.responsibility_id(+)
     AND c.level_value = h.application_id(+)
ORDER BY b.user_profile_option_name,
         DECODE (
            TO_CHAR (C.level_id),
            '10001', 'Site',
            '10002', NVL (h.application_short_name, TO_CHAR (C.level_value)),
            '10003', NVL (g.responsibility_name, TO_CHAR (C.level_value)),
            '10004', NVL (e.user_name, TO_CHAR (C.level_value)),