How To Cancel A Fully Received Purchase Order

One can do either a Return or a Correction, and then perform the Cancellation as desired.

One must make sure to do a Return on both the Deliver, and then the Receive portion of the
receipt. OR, do a Correction to both. This way, the full amount is Returned or Corrected
back to the supplier and not showing up as Received.

If the above is not followed correctly (e.g., if the Return was done only for the Deliver portion
of the receipt), then one would receive a variation of the following error:
    Error: Line #1 Shipment #1 You cannot cancel a fully received purchase order.
    (Quantity ordered is 1. Quantity received is 1.)
    Error: Line #1 Shipment #1 Distribution #1 Quantity received 1 is not fully delivered 0