- To make a query only menu, first determine which function to modify.
- Grant query only access on the Users form in the System Administrator Security: User: Define form; find the top most menu for the System Administrator GUI Responsibility in the Menu field of the Security: Responsibility form. For the System Administrator GUI Responsibility it is Navigator Menu – System Administrator GUI.
- Navigate to the Application:Menu form and query for this menu in the User Menu Name field. Query through several submenus to get to the name of the function needed; in this case, Users.
- Security Menu - System Administrator GUI
- User Menu - System Administrator GUI Users
- Navigate to the Application:Function form and query for the function in the User Function Name field of the Description zone.
- Create a new Function using this function name, and enter QUERY_ONLY=YES in the parameters field.
- Create or modify the menu and menu structure that needs to be attached to this function.
- Create or modify the responsibility to associate with the above menu/menu Structure.
- Test the new menu and function. Exit and restart the Oracle Applications session for any changes to responsibilities to take effect.
Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide; Implementing Function