How to make a Query only Menu

  1. To make a query only menu, first determine which function to modify.
  2. Grant query only access on the Users form in the System Administrator Security: User: Define form; find the top most menu for the System Administrator GUI Responsibility in the Menu field of the Security: Responsibility form.  For the System Administrator GUI Responsibility it is Navigator Menu – System Administrator GUI.
  3. Navigate to the Application:Menu form and query for this menu in the User Menu Name field. Query through several submenus to get to the name of the function needed; in this case, Users.
    • Security Menu - System Administrator GUI
    • User Menu - System Administrator GUI Users
  1. Navigate to the Application:Function form and query for the function in the User Function Name field of the Description zone.
  2. Create a new Function using this function name, and enter QUERY_ONLY=YES in the parameters field.
  3. Create or modify the menu and menu structure that needs to be attached to this function.
  4. Create or modify the responsibility to associate with the above menu/menu Structure.
  5. Test the new menu and function. Exit and restart the Oracle Applications session for any changes to responsibilities to take effect.
Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide; Implementing Function