Oracle apps Item Upload Interface

Functional Overview
The Item upload is used to populate the items from the flat files into Oracle Applications. Various methodologies can be used like applying templates, or setting values programmatically or letting values default and then modifying them through the Applications. You can also use the Item Interface to import item material cost, material overhead, and revision details.

Business Scenario
The scope of this interface would be to load the item definitions in the inventory, which come from a legacy system. A typical scenario could be at the time of data migration
When the items from the legacy system are loaded into Oracle Inventory. This interface would cater to such a scenario. Type of Interface: OPEN Interface

Technical Overview
MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B is the table, which stores all the item definitions.
MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE table is the interface table for the same.

The item interface table MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE contains every column in the Oracle Inventory item master table, MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS. The columns in the item interface correspond directly to those in the item master table. Except for ITEM_NUMBER or SEGMENTn columns, ORGANIZATION_CODE or
ORGANIZATION_ID, DESCRIPTION, PROCESS_FLAG, and TRANSACTION_TYPE, all of these columns are optional, either because they have defaults that can be derived, or because the corresponding attributes are optional and may be left null.

Every row in the item interface table must identify the item and organization. To identify the item when importing it, you may specify either the ITEM_NUMBER or SEGMENTn columns—the Item Interface generates the INVENTORY_ITEM_ID for you. Specifying either the ORGANIZATION_ID or ORGANIZATION_CODE adequately identifies the organization. When more than one of these columns has been entered and they conflict, ITEM_NUMBER overrides SEGMENTn and ORGANIZATION_ID overrides ORGANIZATION_CODE. The Item Interface uses the PROCESS_FLAG to indicate whether processing of the row succeeded or failed. When a row is ready to be processed, give the PROCESS_FLAG a value of 1 (Pending), so that the Item Interface can pick up the row and process it into the Production tables.

Meaning of PROCESS_FLAG Values:
Code & Meaning
1 Pending
2 Assign complete
3 Assign/validation failed
4 Validation succeeded; import failed
5 Import in process
7 Import succeeded

Whether you import a new item to a master organization or assign an existing item to a non-master organization, the Item Interface always enters a unique numeric identifier in the TRANSACTION_ID column of the item interface table, and the concurrent request number in the REQUEST_ID column of the item master table.

Validations required for data
1) Check the require columns whether they have included and have a default value
2) Check the organization ode whether it is valid (existing or not) if not existing check and create it if needed. MTL_PARAMETERES gives the details.
3) Check whether the item is already existing or not... Check the segment one value for repetition. (Check in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B)
4) Unit of measurement should be checked whether existing and corresponding
5) Item type also should be checked (FND>COMMON_LOOKUP Table)
6) Don’t enter anything in process flag. It will be filled automatically
7) Inventory_item_status_code should be checked for “ACTIVE”. Check in table MTL_ITEM_STATUS. For checking all these we should write PL/SQL coding while data passing from pre_interface to interfaces
8) ICOIN is a short name for item import Concurrent Program