Oracle XML Publisher Multi Language Reports

1.    Create your rdf or data template for your data model as per scope, supporting multi language.
2.    Create your RTF template for the layout.
3.    Create data definition and upload your RTF File to the template definition as we do for the normal XML publisher reports.
4.    In the template definition, Check the TRANSLATABLE check box and default language as EN-US (R12).
5.    Now from the template definition page, Export the Translation for the default template uploaded. This will get downloaded as an .xlf file., Eg: XXFALIFREP_en_US.xlf where en_US is the Language and Territory w.r.t the languages installed.

6.    In the translation file, edit the target language and the corresponding translated label for each English label in notepad. Translations should be obtained from the Client.

The tag will look like below, for English to Spanish translation.

Example translations for header of the xlf file:

<file source-language="en-US" target-language="es-ES" datatype="XDO" original="orphan.xlf" product-version="orphan.xlf" product-name="">
Example translations for labels:

         <trans-unit id="4d626ab9" maxbytes="4000" maxwidth="23" size-unit="char" translate="yes">
            <source>Asset Number</source>
            <target>Número de Activo</target>
            <note>Text located: body/table/table</note>
         <trans-unit id="731282e2" maxbytes="4000" maxwidth="24" size-unit="char" translate="yes">
            <source>Life Years Asset</source>
            <target>Años de Vida Útil del Activo</target>
            <note>Text located: body/table/table</note>

7.    SAVE the file in UNIX FORMAT and UTF8 ENCODING and name it as “XXFALIFREP_es_ES.xlf” for our case.
Note: If the file is not saved as per this specification, the translation will not get uploaded to the template definition.

8.    Upload the translations to the template definition(PFA upld_trnslations.png)

9.    After upload the Translations will be shown like Template_Definition_Page.png

10.  Now when we submit the concurrent program for different user from different Geography (or login to apps with language as Spanish), the Concurrent output on completion can be viewed in Spanish.